Transportation problem: Difference between revisions

(Added Wren)
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Same as Java entry
<lang Nim>import fenv, lists, math, sequtils, strformat, strutils
Shipment = object
quantity: float
costPerUnit: float
r, c: int
Transport = object
filename: string
supply: seq[int]
demand: seq[int]
costs: seq[seq[float]]
matrix: seq[seq[Shipment]]
ShipmentList = DoublyLinkedList[Shipment]
const ShipZero = Shipment()
template emitError(msg: string) =
raise newException(ValueError, msg)
proc initTransport(filename: string): Transport =
let infile =
let fields = infile.readLine().splitWhitespace().map(parseInt)
let numSources = fields[0]
let numDests = fields[1]
if numSources < 1 or numDests < 1:
emitError "wrong number of sources or destinations."
var src = infile.readLine().splitWhitespace().map(parseInt)
if src.len != numSources:
emitError "wrong number of sources; got $1, expected $2.".format(src.len, numSources)
var dst = infile.readLine().splitWhitespace().map(parseInt)
if dst.len != numDests:
emitError "wrong number of destinations; got $1, expected $2.".format(dst.len, numDests)
# Fix imbalance.
let totalSrc = sum(src)
let totalDst = sum(dst)
let diff = totalSrc - totalDst
if diff > 0: dst.add diff
elif diff < 0: src.add -diff
var costs = newSeqWith(src.len, newSeq[float](dst.len))
var matrix = newSeqWith(src.len, newSeq[Shipment](dst.len))
for i in 0..<numSources:
let fields = infile.readLine().splitWhitespace().map(parseFloat)
if fields.len > dst.len:
emitError "wrong number of costs; got $1, expected $2.".format(fields.len, numDests)
for j in 0..<numDests:
costs[i][j] = fields[j]
result = Transport(filename: filename, supply: move(src),
demand: move(dst), costs: move(costs), matrix: move(matrix))
func northWestCornerRule(tr: var Transport) =
var northWest = 0
for r in
for c in
let quantity = min([r], tr.demand[c])
if quantity > 0:
tr.matrix[r][c] = Shipment(quantity: quantity.toFloat, costPerUnit: tr.costs[r][c], r: r, c: c)
dec[r], quantity
dec tr.demand[c], quantity
if[r] == 0:
northWest = c
func getNeighbors(tr: Transport; s: Shipment; list: ShipmentList): array[2, Shipment] =
for o in list:
if o != s:
if o.r == s.r and result[0] == ShipZero:
result[0] = o
elif o.c == s.c and result[1] == ShipZero:
result[1] = o
if result[0] != ShipZero and result[1] != ShipZero:
func matrixToList(tr: Transport): ShipmentList =
for m in tr.matrix:
for s in m:
if s != ShipZero:
func getClosedPath(tr: Transport; s: Shipment): seq[Shipment] =
var path = tr.matrixToList
# Remove (and keep removing) elements that do not have a
# vertical and horizontal neighbor.
while true:
var removals = 0
for e in path.nodes:
let nbrs = tr.getNeighbors(e.value, path)
if nbrs[0] == ShipZero or nbrs[1] == ShipZero:
inc removals
if removals == 0:
# Place the remaining elements in the correct plus-minus order.
var prev = s
var i = 0
for _ in path:
result.add prev
prev = tr.getNeighbors(prev, path)[i]
i = 1 - i
func fixDegenerateCase(tr: var Transport) =
const Eps = minimumPositiveValue(float)
if + tr.demand.len - 1 != tr.matrix.len * tr.matrix[0].len:
for r in
for c in
if tr.matrix[r][c] == ShipZero:
let dummy = Shipment(quantity: Eps, costPerUnit: tr.costs[r][c], r: r, c: c)
if tr.getClosedPath(dummy).len == 0:
tr.matrix[r][c] = dummy
func steppingStone(tr: var Transport) =
var maxReduction = 0.0
var move: seq[Shipment]
var leaving = ShipZero
for r in
for c in
if tr.matrix[r][c] != ShipZero:
let trial = Shipment(quantity: 0, costPerUnit: tr.costs[r][c], r: r, c: c)
var path = tr.getClosedPath(trial)
var reduction = 0.0
var lowestQuantity = float(int32.high)
var leavingCandidate = ShipZero
var plus = true
for s in path:
if plus:
reduction += s.costPerUnit
reduction -= s.costPerUnit
if s.quantity < lowestQuantity:
leavingCandidate = s
lowestQuantity = s.quantity
plus = not plus
if reduction < maxReduction:
move = move(path)
leaving = leavingCandidate
maxReduction = reduction
if move.len != 0:
let q = leaving.quantity
var plus = true
for s in move.mitems:
if plus: s.quantity += q
else: s.quantity -= q
tr.matrix[s.r][s.c] = if s.quantity == 0: ShipZero else: s
plus = not plus
proc printResult(tr: Transport) =
echo tr.filename, '\n'
stdout.write tr.filename.readFile()
echo "\nOptimal solution for ", tr.filename, '\n'
var totalCosts = 0.0
for r in
for c in
let s = tr.matrix[r][c]
if s != ShipZero and s.r == r and s.c == c:
stdout.write &" {int(s.quantity):3} "
totalCosts += s.quantity * s.costPerUnit
stdout.write " - "
echo &"\nTotal costs: {totalCosts:g}\n"
when isMainModule:
const Filenames = ["input1.txt", "input2.txt", "input3.txt"]
for filename in Filenames:
var tr = initTransport(filename)
2 3
25 35
20 30 10
3 5 7
3 2 5
Optimal solution for input1.txt
20 - 5
- 30 5
Total costs: 180
3 3
12 40 33
20 30 10
3 5 7
2 4 6
9 1 8
Optimal solution for input2.txt
- - - 12
20 - 10 10
- 30 - 3
Total costs: 130
4 4
14 10 15 12
10 15 12 15
10 30 25 15
20 15 20 10
10 30 20 20
30 40 35 45
Optimal solution for input3.txt
- - - 14
- 9 - 1
10 - 5 -
- 5 7 -
- 1 - -
Total costs: 1000</pre>
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