Talk:Permuted multiples

From Rosetta Code

Can we reuse Project Euler problems?

It appears under their Copyright terms we can do so as long as suitable attribution is given. However, if I am wrong about this, then the draft task should of course be deleted. --PureFox (talk) 09:03, 17 August 2021 (UTC)

Just because a problem/puzzle appears on   Project Euler   doesn't mean they own it.   I've seen some of their problems that have been around on newsgroups   (alt.math.recreational, alt.puzzles, etc)   of days long gone by.     -- Gerard Schildberger (talk) 10:12, 17 August 2021 (UTC)
I'm sure you're right and some problems may go back as far as Diophantus though Project Euler may be the first organization to apply copyright to them. I can't see any reason not to reuse the occasional problem myself as long as we don't make a habit of it - I don't think the admins would be too happy if Calmosoft decided to run through the whole lot! --PureFox (talk) 10:30, 17 August 2021 (UTC)
There is some historical precedent. First power of 2 that has leading decimal digits of 12 is a Project Euler problem. There may be some others but none come to mind immediately. The point of Project Euler though, is to work out how to do the problems yourself, not to provide finished examples for other people to see. As such, I would prefer to not have too many Project Euler problems duplicated here. Not that I could prevent it if the community goes that way. I have pretty much stopped trying to moderate task submissions except for the most blatant plagiarisms / infringing works. (I do wish Calmosoft would spend more of his effort in solving some of the unimplemented Ring tasks rather than persisting in adding trivial variations of existing tasks or plagiarized content. And, it is somewhat telling that as soon as trivial or plagiarized comes up, his name comes to mind.) --Thundergnat (talk) 12:00, 17 August 2021 (UTC)