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* You may refer to code in [[Statistics/Basic]] if available.
=={{header|C sharp|C#}}==

Revision as of 18:13, 14 April 2017

Statistics/Normal distribution
You are encouraged to solve this task according to the task description, using any language you may know.

The Normal (or Gaussian) distribution is a frequently used distribution in statistics. While most programming languages provide a uniformly distributed random number generator, one can derive normally distributed random numbers from a uniform generator.

The task
  1. Take a uniform random number generator and create a large (you decide how large) set of numbers that follow a normal (Gaussian) distribution. Calculate the dataset's mean and stddev, and show the histogram here.
  2. Mention any native language support for the generation of normally distributed random numbers.




Library: Math.Net

<lang csharp>using System; using MathNet.Numerics.Distributions; using MathNet.Numerics.Statistics;

class Program {

   static void RunNormal(int sampleSize)
       double[] X = new double[sampleSize];
       var norm = new Normal(new Random());
       const int numBuckets = 10;
       var histogram = new Histogram(X, numBuckets);
       Console.WriteLine("Sample size: {0:N0}", sampleSize);
       for (int i = 0; i < numBuckets; i++)
           string bar = new String('#', (int)(histogram[i].Count * 360 / sampleSize));
           Console.WriteLine(" {0:0.00} : {1}", histogram[i].LowerBound, bar);
       var statistics = new DescriptiveStatistics(X);
       Console.WriteLine("  Mean: " + statistics.Mean);
       Console.WriteLine("StdDev: " + statistics.StandardDeviation);
   static void Main(string[] args)


Sample size: 100
 -2.12 : #######
 -1.66 : ############################
 -1.19 : #######################################
 -0.72 : ##############################################
 -0.26 : ###############################################################################
 0.21 : ######################################################################################
 0.68 : ################################
 1.14 : #########################
 1.61 : ###
 2.07 : ##########
  Mean: 0.0394411345297757
StdDev: 0.925286665513647

Sample size: 1,000
 -2.98 : ##
 -2.34 : ##########
 -1.69 : ##############################
 -1.05 : ################################################################
 -0.40 : ###########################################################################################
 0.24 : ########################################################################################
 0.88 : ##############################################
 1.53 : ##################
 2.17 : #####
 2.82 : ##
  Mean: 0.0868718238400114
StdDev: 0.989120264661867

Sample size: 10,000
 -3.88 :
 -3.12 : ##
 -2.35 : #################
 -1.59 : ####################################################
 -0.82 : ################################################################################################
 -0.06 : ####################################################################################################
 0.71 : ###############################################################
 1.47 : #####################
 2.23 : ####
 3.00 :
  Mean: 0.0208920122989818
StdDev: 1.00046328880424


showing features of C++11 here <lang cpp>#include <random>

  1. include <map>
  2. include <string>
  3. include <iostream>
  4. include <cmath>
  5. include <iomanip>

int main( ) {

  std::random_device myseed ;
  std::mt19937 engine ( myseed( ) ) ;
  std::normal_distribution<> normDistri ( 2 , 3 ) ;
  std::map<int , int> normalFreq ;
  int sum = 0 ; //holds the sum of the randomly created numbers
  double mean = 0.0 ;
  double stddev = 0.0 ;
  for ( int i = 1 ; i < 10001 ; i++ ) 
     ++normalFreq[ normDistri ( engine ) ] ;
  for ( auto MapIt : normalFreq ) {
     sum += MapIt.first * MapIt.second ;
  mean = sum / 10000 ;
  stddev = sqrt( sum / 10000 ) ;
  std::cout << "The mean of the distribution is " << mean << " , the " ;
  std::cout << "standard deviation " << stddev << " !\n" ;
  std::cout << "And now the histogram:\n" ;
  for ( auto MapIt : normalFreq ) {
     std::cout << std::left << std::setw( 4 ) << MapIt.first << 

std::string( MapIt.second / 100 , '*' ) << std::endl ;

  return 0 ;

}</lang> Output:

The mean of the distribution is 1 , the standard deviation 1 !
And now the histogram:
-4  *
-3  **
-2  ****
-1  ******
0   *********************
1   ************
2   ************
3   ***********
4   *********
5   ******
6   ****
7   **
8   *


This uses the Box-Muller method as in the Go entry, and the module from the Statistics/Basic. A ziggurat-based normal generator for the Phobos standard library is in the works. <lang d>import std.stdio, std.random, std.math, std.range, std.algorithm,


struct Normals {

   double mu, sigma;
   double[2] state;
   size_t index = state.length;
   enum empty = false;
   void popFront() pure nothrow { index++; }
   @property double front() {
       if (index >= state.length) {
           immutable r = sqrt(-2 * uniform!"]["(0., 1.0).log) * sigma;
           immutable x = 2 * PI * uniform01;
           state = [mu + r * x.sin, mu + r * x.cos];
           index = 0;
       return state[index];


void main() {

   const data = Normals(0.0, 0.5).take(100_000).array;
   writefln("Mean: %8.6f, SD: %8.6f\n", data.meanStdDev[]);!q{ max(0.0, min(0.9999, a / 3 + 0.5)) }.showHistogram01;


Mean: 0.000528, SD: 0.502245

 0.0: *
 0.1: ******
 0.2: *****************
 0.3: ***********************************
 0.4: *************************************************
 0.5: **************************************************
 0.6: **********************************
 0.7: *****************
 0.8: ******
 0.9: *


<lang elixir>defmodule Statistics do

 def normal_distribution(n, w\\5) do
   {sum, sum2, hist} = generate(n, w)
   mean = sum / n
   stddev = :math.sqrt(sum2 / n - mean*mean)
   IO.puts "size:   #{n}"
   IO.puts "mean:   #{mean}"
   IO.puts "stddev: #{stddev}"
   {min, max} = Map.to_list(hist)
                |> Enum.filter_map(fn {_k,v} -> v >= n/120/w end, fn {k,_v} -> k end)
                |> Enum.min_max
   Enum.each(min..max, fn i ->
     bar = String.duplicate("=", trunc(120 * w * Map.get(hist, i, 0) / n))
     :io.fwrite "~4.1f: ~s~n", [i/w, bar]
   IO.puts ""
 defp generate(n, w) do
   Enum.reduce(1..n, {0, 0, %{}}, fn _,{sum, sum2, hist} ->
     z = :rand.normal
     {sum+z, sum2+z*z, Map.update(hist, round(w*z), 1, &(&1+1))}


Enum.each([100,1000,10000], fn n ->



size:   100
mean:   0.027742416007234007
stddev: 1.0209597927405403
-2.6: ============
-2.2: ============
-2.0: ======
-1.4: ==============================
-1.2: ======
-1.0: ==============================
-0.8: ==========================================
-0.6: ==========================================
-0.4: ================================================
-0.2: ================================================
 0.0: ==============================
 0.2: ====================================
 0.4: ==========================================
 0.6: ======================================================
 0.8: ==========================================
 1.0: ================================================
 1.2: ==============================
 1.4: ======
 1.6: ============
 1.8: ============
 2.4: ======
 2.6: ======

size:   1000
mean:   -0.025562168667763084
stddev: 1.0338288521306742
-3.2: =
-2.8: =
-2.6: ===
-2.4: ==
-2.2: ======
-2.0: ==
-1.8: =============
-1.6: ===============
-1.4: =================
-1.2: =================
-1.0: ====================================
-0.8: ===================================
-0.6: ============================================
-0.4: ============================================
-0.2: ===============================================
 0.0: =========================================
 0.2: ===========================================
 0.4: =============================================
 0.6: =======================================
 0.8: ================================
 1.0: ============================
 1.2: ========================
 1.4: ==================
 1.6: ==========
 1.8: =====
 2.0: ========
 2.2: ====
 2.4: =====
 2.6: =
 2.8: =

size:   10000
mean:   -0.009132420943007152
stddev: 0.9979508347451509
-2.6: =
-2.4: ===
-2.2: ====
-2.0: =====
-1.8: =========
-1.6: ==============
-1.4: ================
-1.2: =======================
-1.0: ============================
-0.8: =================================
-0.6: ============================================
-0.4: ===========================================
-0.2: ==============================================
 0.0: ==================================================
 0.2: ============================================
 0.4: ===========================================
 0.6: =======================================
 0.8: =====================================
 1.0: ============================
 1.2: =======================
 1.4: ================
 1.6: ==============
 1.8: =========
 2.0: ======
 2.2: ===
 2.4: ==
 2.6: =


Works with: Fortran version 95 and later

Using the Marsaglia polar method <lang fortran>program Normal_Distribution

 implicit none
 integer, parameter :: i64 = selected_int_kind(18)
 integer, parameter :: r64 = selected_real_kind(15)
 integer(i64), parameter :: samples = 1000000_i64
 real(r64) :: mean, stddev
 real(r64) :: sumn = 0, sumnsq = 0
 integer(i64) :: n = 0 
 integer(i64) :: bin(-50:50) = 0
 integer :: i, ind
 real(r64) :: ur1, ur2, nr1, nr2, s
 n = 0
 do while(n <= samples)
   call random_number(ur1)
   call random_number(ur2)
   ur1 = ur1 * 2.0 - 1.0
   ur2 = ur2 * 2.0 - 1.0
   s = ur1*ur1 + ur2*ur2  
   if(s >= 1.0_r64) cycle
   nr1 = ur1 * sqrt(-2.0*log(s)/s)
   ind = floor(5.0*nr1)
   bin(ind) = bin(ind) + 1_i64
   sumn = sumn + nr1
   sumnsq = sumnsq + nr1*nr1
   nr2 = ur2 * sqrt(-2.0*log(s)/s)
   ind = floor(5.0*nr2)
   bin(ind) = bin(ind) + 1_i64
   sumn = sumn + nr2
   sumnsq = sumnsq + nr2*nr2
   n = n + 2_i64
 end do

 mean = sumn / n
 stddev = sqrt(sumnsq/n - mean*mean)
 write(*, "(a, i0)") "sample size = ", samples
 write(*, "(a, f17.15)") "Mean :   ", mean,
 write(*, "(a, f17.15)") "Stddev : ", stddev
 do i = -15, 15 
   write(*, "(f4.1, a, a)") real(i)/5.0, ": ", repeat("=", int(bin(i)*500/samples))
 end do

end program</lang>

sample size = 1000
Mean :   0.043096320705032
Stddev : 0.981532585231540
-2.6: ==
-2.4: ==
-2.2: ====
-2.0: ======
-1.8: =======
-1.6: ============
-1.4: ================
-1.2: =====================
-1.0: ===========================
-0.8: =======================
-0.6: ==================================
-0.4: =====================================
-0.2: ==========================================
 0.0: ===============================================
 0.2: ====================================
 0.4: =================================
 0.6: ==================================
 0.8: =============================
 1.0: ====================
 1.2: ==========================
 1.4: ===========
 1.6: =========
 1.8: ====
 2.0: ======
 2.2: ===
 2.8: =

sample size = 1000000
Mean :   0.000166653231289
Stddev : 1.000025612171690
-2.8: =
-2.6: =
-2.4: ==
-2.2: ====
-2.0: ======
-1.8: =========
-1.6: ============
-1.4: =================
-1.2: =====================
-1.0: ==========================
-0.8: ===============================
-0.6: ===================================
-0.4: ======================================
-0.2: =======================================
 0.0: =======================================
 0.2: ======================================
 0.4: ==================================
 0.6: ===============================
 0.8: ==========================
 1.0: =====================
 1.2: =================
 1.4: ============
 1.6: =========
 1.8: ======
 2.0: ====
 2.2: ==
 2.4: =
 2.6: =


<lang freebasic>' FB 1.05.0 Win64

Const pi As Double = 3.141592653589793 Randomize

' Generates normally distributed random numbers with mean 0 and standard deviation 1 Function randomNormal() As Double

 Return Cos(2.0 * pi * Rnd) * Sqr(-2.0 * Log(Rnd))

End Function

Sub normalStats(sampleSize As Integer)

 If sampleSize < 1 Then Return 
 Dim r(1 To sampleSize) As Double
 Dim h(-1 To 10) As Integer  all zero by default
 Dim sum As Double = 0.0
 Dim hSum As Integer = 0
 ' Generate 'sampleSize' normally distributed random numbers with mean 0.5 and standard deviation 0.25
 ' calculate their sum
 ' and in which box they will fall when drawing the histogram
 For i As Integer = 1 To sampleSize
   r(i) = 0.5 + randomNormal / 4.0
   sum += r(i)
   If r(i) < 0.0 Then
     h(-1) += 1
   ElseIf r(i) >= 1.0 Then
     h(10) += 1
     h(Int(r(i) * 10)) += 1
   End If
 For i As Integer = -1 To 10 : hSum += h(i) :  Next
 ' adjust one of the h() values if necessary to ensure hSum = sampleSize
 Dim adj As Integer = sampleSize - hSum
 If adj <> 0 Then
   For i As Integer = -1 To 10 
     h(i) += adj
     If h(i) >= 0 Then Exit For
     h(i) -= adj
 End If

 Dim mean As Double = sum / sampleSize
 Dim sd As Double
 sum = 0.0
 ' Now calculate their standard deviation
 For i As Integer = 1 To sampleSize
   sum += (r(i) - mean) ^ 2.0
 sd  = Sqr(sum/sampleSize)
 ' Draw a histogram of the data with interval 0.1 
 Dim numStars As Integer
 ' If sample size > 300 then normalize histogram to 300
 Dim scale As Double = 1.0
 If sampleSize > 300 Then scale = 300.0 / sampleSize 
 Print "Sample size "; sampleSize
 Print Using "  Mean #.######"; mean;
 Print Using "  SD #.######"; sd
 For i As Integer = -1 To 10
   If i = -1 Then
     Print Using "< 0.00 : ";
   ElseIf i = 10 Then
     Print Using ">=1.00 : ";
     Print Using "  #.## : "; i/10.0;
   End If
   Print Using "##### " ; h(i);
   numStars = Int(h(i) * scale + 0.5)
   Print String(numStars, "*")

End Sub

normalStats 100 Print normalStats 1000 Print normalStats 10000 Print normalStats 100000 Print Print "Press any key to quit" Sleep</lang> Sample output:

Sample size  100

  Mean 0.486977  SD 0.244147

< 0.00 :     2 **
  0.00 :     5 *****
  0.10 :     4 ****
  0.20 :    14 **************
  0.30 :    12 ************
  0.40 :    15 ***************
  0.50 :    17 *****************
  0.60 :    11 ***********
  0.70 :     9 *********
  0.80 :     7 *******
  0.90 :     1 *
>=1.00 :     3 ***

Sample size  1000

  Mean 0.489234  SD 0.247606

< 0.00 :    18 *****
  0.00 :    32 **********
  0.10 :    73 **********************
  0.20 :   111 *********************************
  0.30 :   138 *****************************************
  0.40 :   151 *********************************************
  0.50 :   153 **********************************************
  0.60 :   114 **********************************
  0.70 :   101 ******************************
  0.80 :    51 ***************
  0.90 :    38 ***********
>=1.00 :    20 ******

Sample size  10000

  Mean 0.498239  SD 0.249235

< 0.00 :   225 *******
  0.00 :   333 **********
  0.10 :   589 ******************
  0.20 :   999 ******************************
  0.30 :  1320 ****************************************
  0.40 :  1542 **********************************************
  0.50 :  1581 ***********************************************
  0.60 :  1323 ****************************************
  0.70 :   963 *****************************
  0.80 :   591 ******************
  0.90 :   314 *********
>=1.00 :   220 *******

Sample size  100000

  Mean 0.500925  SD 0.248910

< 0.00 :  2173 *******
  0.00 :  3192 **********
  0.10 :  5938 ******************
  0.20 :  9715 *****************************
  0.30 : 13351 ****************************************
  0.40 : 15399 **********************************************
  0.50 : 15680 ***********************************************
  0.60 : 13422 ****************************************
  0.70 :  9633 *****************************
  0.80 :  5993 ******************
  0.90 :  3207 **********
>=1.00 :  2297 *******


Box-Muller method shown here. Go has a normally distributed random function in the standard library, as shown in the Go Random numbers solution. It uses the ziggurat method. <lang go>package main

import (



// Box-Muller func norm2() (s, c float64) {

   r := math.Sqrt(-2 * math.Log(rand.Float64()))
   s, c = math.Sincos(2 * math.Pi * rand.Float64())
   return s * r, c * r


func main() {

   const (
       n     = 10000
       bins  = 12
       sig   = 3
       scale = 100
   var sum, sumSq float64
   h := make([]int, bins)
   for i, accum := 0, func(v float64) {
       sum += v
       sumSq += v * v
       b := int((v + sig) * bins / sig / 2)
       if b >= 0 && b < bins {
   }; i < n/2; i++ {
       v1, v2 := norm2()
   m := sum / n
   fmt.Println("mean:", m)
   fmt.Println("stddev:", math.Sqrt(sumSq/float64(n)-m*m))
   for _, p := range h {
       fmt.Println(strings.Repeat("*", p/scale))

}</lang> Output:

mean: -0.0034970888831523488
stddev: 1.0040682925006286



<lang haskell>import Data.Map (Map, empty, insert, findWithDefault, toList) import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe) import Text.Printf (printf) import Data.Function (on) import Data.List (sort, maximumBy, minimumBy) import Control.Monad.Random (RandomGen, Rand, evalRandIO, getRandomR) import Control.Monad (replicateM)

-- Box-Muller getNorm :: RandomGen g => Rand g Double getNorm = do

   u0 <- getRandomR (0.0, 1.0) 
   u1 <- getRandomR (0.0, 1.0) 
   let r = sqrt $ (-2.0) * log u0
       theta = 2.0 * pi * u1
   return $ r * sin theta

putInBin :: Double -> Map Int Int -> Double -> Map Int Int putInBin binWidth t v =

   let bin = round (v / binWidth)
       count = findWithDefault 0 bin t 
   in insert bin (count+1) t

runTest :: Int -> IO () runTest n = do

   rs <- evalRandIO $ replicateM n getNorm 
   let binWidth = 0.1
       tally v (sv, sv2, t) = (sv+v, sv2 + v*v, putInBin binWidth t v)
       (sum, sum2, tallies) = foldr tally (0.0, 0.0, empty) rs
       tallyList = sort $ toList tallies
       printStars tallies binWidth maxCount selection = 
           let count = findWithDefault 0 selection tallies 
               bin = binWidth * fromIntegral selection
               maxStars = 100
               starCount = if maxCount <= maxStars
                           then count 
                           else maxStars * count `div` maxCount
               stars = replicate  starCount '*'
           in printf "%5.2f: %s  %d\n" bin stars count
       mean = sum / fromIntegral n
       stddev = sqrt (sum2/fromIntegral n - mean*mean)
   printf "\n"
   printf "sample count: %d\n" n
   printf "mean:         %9.7f\n" mean
   printf "stddev:       %9.7f\n" stddev
   let maxCount = snd $ maximumBy (compare `on` snd) tallyList
       maxBin = fst $ maximumBy (compare `on` fst) tallyList
       minBin = fst $ minimumBy (compare `on` fst) tallyList
   mapM_ (printStars tallies binWidth maxCount) [minBin..maxBin]

main = do

   runTest 1000
   runTest 2000000</lang>
sample count: 1000
mean:         -0.0269949
stddev:       0.9795285
-3.10: **  2
-3.00:   0
-2.90:   0
-2.80: **  2
-2.70: *  1
-2.60: ****  4
-2.50: **  2
-2.40: **  2
-2.30:   0
-2.20: ***  3
-2.10: *****  5
-2.00: ******  6
-1.90: ******  6
-1.80: ***********  11
-1.70: ************  12
-1.60: *******  7
-1.50: *************  13
-1.40: *****************  17
-1.30: ********************  20
-1.20: ****************  16
-1.10: *****************  17
-1.00: **********************  22
-0.90: ***************************  27
-0.80: **********************  22
-0.70: ********************************  32
-0.60: *********************************  33
-0.50: ******************************************  42
-0.40: ***********************************************  47
-0.30: ************************************************  48
-0.20: ***************************  27
-0.10: *****************************  29
 0.00: ***********************************************  47
 0.10: ***************************************************  51
 0.20: ******************************************  42
 0.30: ********************************  32
 0.40: *********************************  33
 0.50: *****************************************  41
 0.60: ******************************************  42
 0.70: ****************************  28
 0.80: **********************  22
 0.90: ***************************  27
 1.00: *******************  19
 1.10: **********************  22
 1.20: ************************  24
 1.30: ********************  20
 1.40: *****************  17
 1.50: **********  10
 1.60: *************  13
 1.70: ****  4
 1.80: ***  3
 1.90: *******  7
 2.00: ******  6
 2.10: *  1
 2.20: *  1
 2.30: *******  7
 2.40: ***  3
 2.50:   0
 2.60: *  1
 2.70:   0
 2.80:   0
 2.90:   0
 3.00: *  1
 3.10:   0
 3.20:   0
 3.30: *  1

sample count: 2000000
mean:         0.0001017
stddev:       0.9994329
-4.60:   3
-4.50:   2
-4.40:   3
-4.30:   9
-4.20:   18
-4.10:   19
-4.00:   20
-3.90:   41
-3.80:   77
-3.70:   84
-3.60:   105
-3.50:   189
-3.40:   245
-3.30:   350
-3.20:   460
-3.10:   619
-3.00: *  838
-2.90: *  1234
-2.80: *  1586
-2.70: **  2063
-2.60: ***  2716
-2.50: ****  3503
-2.40: *****  4345
-2.30: *******  5678
-2.20: ********  7160
-2.10: ***********  8856
-2.00: *************  10915
-1.90: ****************  13299
-1.80: *******************  15599
-1.70: ***********************  19004
-1.60: ***************************  22321
-1.50: ********************************  25940
-1.40: *************************************  29622
-1.30: ******************************************  34213
-1.20: ************************************************  38922
-1.10: ******************************************************  43415
-1.00: ************************************************************  48250
-0.90: ******************************************************************  53210
-0.80: ************************************************************************  58127
-0.70: ******************************************************************************  62438
-0.60: ***********************************************************************************  66650
-0.50: ****************************************************************************************  70298
-0.40: ********************************************************************************************  73739
-0.30: ***********************************************************************************************  75831
-0.20: **************************************************************************************************  78222
-0.10: ***************************************************************************************************  79412
 0.00: ****************************************************************************************************  79801
 0.10: ***************************************************************************************************  79255
 0.20: *************************************************************************************************  78163
 0.30: ************************************************************************************************  76667
 0.40: ********************************************************************************************  73554
 0.50: ****************************************************************************************  70391
 0.60: ***********************************************************************************  66566
 0.70: ******************************************************************************  62857
 0.80: ************************************************************************  57962
 0.90: ******************************************************************  53407
 1.00: ************************************************************  48565
 1.10: ******************************************************  43496
 1.20: ************************************************  38799
 1.30: ******************************************  34156
 1.40: *************************************  29713
 1.50: ********************************  25946
 1.60: ***************************  22264
 1.70: ***********************  18843
 1.80: *******************  15780
 1.90: ****************  13151
 2.00: *************  10905
 2.10: **********  8690
 2.20: ********  7102
 2.30: *******  5693
 2.40: *****  4459
 2.50: ****  3550
 2.60: ***  2603
 2.70: **  2155
 2.80: **  1619
 2.90: *  1121
 3.00: *  914
 3.10:   607
 3.20:   478
 3.30:   349
 3.40:   216
 3.50:   170
 3.60:   113
 3.70:   79
 3.80:   58
 3.90:   48
 4.00:   33
 4.10:   20
 4.20:   9
 4.30:   8
 4.40:   7
 4.50:   3
 4.60:   3
 4.70:   0
 4.80:   1
 4.90:   1


Solution <lang j>runif01=: ?@$ 0: NB. random uniform number generator rnorm01=. (2 o. 2p1 * runif01) * [: %: _2 * ^.@runif01 NB. random normal number generator (Box-Muller)

mean=: +/ % # NB. mean stddev=: (<:@# %~ +/)&.:*:@(- mean) NB. standard deviation histogram=: <:@(#/.~)@(i.@#@[ , I.)</lang> Example Usage <lang j> DataSet=: rnorm01 1e5

  (mean , stddev) DataSet

0.000781667 1.00154

  require 'plot'
  plot (5 %~ i: 25) ([;histogram) DataSet</lang>


Translation of: D
Works with: Java version 8

<lang java>import static java.lang.Math.*; import static; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.function.DoubleSupplier; import static; import; import static;

public class Test implements DoubleSupplier {

   private double mu, sigma;
   private double[] state = new double[2];
   private int index = state.length;
   Test(double m, double s) {
       mu = m;
       sigma = s;
   static double[] meanStdDev(double[] numbers) {
       if (numbers.length == 0)
           return new double[]{0.0, 0.0};
       double sx = 0.0, sxx = 0.0;
       long n = 0;
       for (double x : numbers) {
           sx += x;
           sxx += pow(x, 2);
       return new double[]{sx / n, pow((n * sxx - pow(sx, 2)), 0.5) / n};
   static String replicate(int n, String s) {
       return range(0, n + 1).mapToObj(i -> s).collect(joining());
   static void showHistogram01(double[] numbers) {
       final int maxWidth = 50;
       long[] bins = new long[10];
       for (double x : numbers)
           bins[(int) (x * bins.length)]++;
       double maxFreq = stream(bins).max().getAsLong();
       for (int i = 0; i < bins.length; i++)
           System.out.printf(" %3.1f: %s%n", i / (double) bins.length,
                   replicate((int) (bins[i] / maxFreq * maxWidth), "*"));
   public double getAsDouble() {
       if (index >= state.length) {
           double r = sqrt(-2 * log(random())) * sigma;
           double x = 2 * PI * random();
           state = new double[]{mu + r * sin(x), mu + r * cos(x)};
           index = 0;
       return state[index];
   public static void main(String[] args) {
       double[] data = DoubleStream.generate(new Test(0.0, 0.5)).limit(100_000)
       double[] res = meanStdDev(data);
       System.out.printf("Mean: %8.6f, SD: %8.6f%n", res[0], res[1]);
       showHistogram01(stream(data).map(a -> max(0.0, min(0.9999, a / 3 + 0.5)))


Mean: -0.001870, SD: 0.500539
 0.0: **
 0.1: *******
 0.2: ******************
 0.3: ************************************
 0.4: ***************************************************
 0.5: **************************************************
 0.6: ***********************************
 0.7: ******************
 0.8: *******
 0.9: **


<lang Lasso>define stat1(a) => { if(#a->size) => { local(mean = (with n in #a sum #n) / #a->size) local(sdev = math_pow(((with n in #a sum Math_Pow((#n - #mean),2)) / #a->size),0.5)) return (:#sdev, #mean) else return (:0,0) } } define stat2(a) => { if(#a->size) => { local(sx = 0, sxx = 0) with x in #a do => { #sx += #x #sxx += #x*#x } local(sdev = math_pow((#a->size * #sxx - #sx * #sx),0.5) / #a->size) return (:#sdev, #sx / #a->size) else return (:0,0) } } define histogram(a) => { local( out = '\r', h = array(0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0), maxwidth = 50, sc = 0 ) with n in #a do => { if((#n * 10) <= 0) => { #h->get(1) += 1 else((#n * 10) >= 10) #h->get(#h->size) += 1 else #h->get(integer(decimal(#n)*10)+1) += 1 }

} local(mx = decimal(with n in #h max #n)) with i in #h do => { #out->append((#sc/10.0)->asString(-precision=1)+': '+('+' * integer(#i / #mx * #maxwidth))+'\r') #sc++ } return #out } define normalDist(mean,sdev) => { // Uses Box-Muller transform return ((-2 * decimal_random->log)->sqrt * (2 * pi * decimal_random)->cos) * #sdev + #mean }

with scale in array(100,1000,10000) do => {^ local(n = array) loop(#scale) => { #n->insert(normalDist(0.5, 0.2)) } local(sdev1,mean1) = stat1(#n) local(sdev2,mean2) = stat2(#n) #scale' numbers:\r'

   'Naive  method: sd: '+#sdev1+', mean: '+#mean1+'\r'
   'Second  method: sd: '+#sdev2+', mean: '+#mean2+'\r'


100 numbers:
Naive  method: sd: 0.199518, mean: 0.506059
Second  method: sd: 0.199518, mean: 0.506059

0.0: ++
0.1: ++++
0.2: +++++++++++++++++
0.3: ++++++++++++++++++++++
0.4: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
0.5: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
0.6: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
0.7: ++++++++++++++++++++++++
0.8: ++++++++++++++++++++
0.9: ++++
1.0: ++

1000 numbers:
Naive  method: sd: 0.199653, mean: 0.504046
Second  method: sd: 0.199653, mean: 0.504046

0.0: +++
0.1: ++++++
0.2: ++++++++++++++++
0.3: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
0.4: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
0.5: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
0.6: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
0.7: +++++++++++++++++++++++++
0.8: +++++++++++++++++++
0.9: +++++++
1.0: ++++

10000 numbers:
Naive  method: sd: 0.202354, mean: 0.502519
Second  method: sd: 0.202354, mean: 0.502519

0.0: +++
0.1: +++++++
0.2: +++++++++++++++
0.3: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
0.4: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
0.5: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
0.6: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
0.7: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
0.8: ++++++++++++++++
0.9: +++++++
1.0: ++++

Liberty BASIC

Uses LB Statistics/Basic <lang lb>call sample 100000


sub sample n

   dim dat( n)
   for i =1 to n
       dat( i) =normalDist( 1, 0.2)
   next i
   '// show mean, standard deviation. Find max, min.
   mx  =-1000
   mn  = 1000
   sum =0
   sSq =0
   for i =1 to n
       d =dat( i)
       mx =max( mx, d)
       mn =min( mn, d)
       sum =sum +d
       sSq =sSq +d^2
   next i
   print n; " data terms used."
   mean =sum / n
   print "Largest term was "; mx; " & smallest was "; mn
   range =mx -mn
   print "Mean ="; mean
   print "Stddev ="; ( sSq /n -mean^2)^0.5
   '// show histogram
   nBins =50
   dim bins( nBins)
   for i =1 to n
       z =int( ( dat( i) -mn) /range *nBins)
       bins( z) =bins( z) +1
   next i
   for b =0 to nBins -1
       for j =1 to int( nBins *bins( b)) /n *30)
           print "#";
       next j
   next b

end sub

function normalDist( m, s) ' Box Muller method

   u =rnd( 1)
   v =rnd( 1)
   normalDist =( -2 *log( u))^0.5 *cos( 2 *3.14159265 *v)

end function</lang>

100000 data terms used.
Largest term was 4.12950792 & smallest was -4.37934139
Mean =-0.26785425e-2
Stddev =1.00097669



Lua provides math.random() to generate uniformly distributed random numbers. The function gaussian() shown here uses math.random() to generate normally distributed random numbers with given mean and variance. <lang Lua>function gaussian (mean, variance)

   return  math.sqrt(-2 * variance * math.log(math.random())) *
           math.cos(2 * variance * math.pi * math.random()) + mean


function mean (t)

   local sum = 0
   for k, v in pairs(t) do
       sum = sum + v
   return sum / #t


function std (t)

   local squares, avg = 0, mean(t)
   for k, v in pairs(t) do
       squares = squares + ((avg - v) ^ 2)
   local variance = squares / #t
   return math.sqrt(variance)


function showHistogram (t)

   local lo = math.ceil(math.min(unpack(t)))
   local hi = math.floor(math.max(unpack(t)))
   local hist, barScale = {}, 200
   for i = lo, hi do
       hist[i] = 0
       for k, v in pairs(t) do
           if math.ceil(v - 0.5) == i then
               hist[i] = hist[i] + 1
       io.write(i .. "\t" .. string.rep('=', hist[i] / #t * barScale))
       print(" " .. hist[i])


math.randomseed(os.time()) local t, average, variance = {}, 50, 10 for i = 1, 1000 do

   table.insert(t, gaussian(average, variance))

end print("Mean:", mean(t) .. ", expected " .. average) print("StdDev:", std(t) .. ", expected " .. math.sqrt(variance) .. "\n") showHistogram(t)</lang>

Mean:   50.008328894275, expected 50
StdDev: 3.2374717425824, expected 3.1622776601684

41       3
42      = 8
43      == 11
44      ==== 22
45      ======= 38
46      ============ 60
47      ============== 73
48      ================== 92
49      ======================= 118
50      =========================== 136
51      ========================= 128
52      ================= 89
53      ================= 89
54      =========== 56
55      ======= 37
56      === 18
57      = 7
58      = 5
59      = 6
60       2


Maple has a built-in for sampling directly from Normal distributions: <lang maple>with(Statistics): n := 100000: X := Sample( Normal(0,1), n ); Mean( X ); StandardDeviation( X ); Histogram( X );</lang>


<lang Mathematica>x:= RandomReal[1] SampleNormal[n_] := (Print[#//Length, " numbers, Mean : ", #//Mean, ", StandardDeviation : ", #//StandardDeviation];

   Histogram[#, BarOrigin -> Left,Axes -> False])& [(Table[(-2*Log[x])^0.5*Cos[2*Pi*x], {n} ]]

Invocation: SampleNormal[ 10000 ] ->10000 numbers, Mean : -0.0122308, StandardDeviation : 1.00646 </lang>

MATLAB / Octave

<lang Matlab> N = 100000;

 x = randn(N,1);
 [nn,xx] = hist(x,100);


Works with: PARI/GP version 2.4.3 and above

<lang parigp>rnormal()={ my(u1=random(1.),u2=random(1.); sqrt(-2*log(u1))*cos(2*Pi*u1) \\ Could easily be extended with a second normal at very little cost. }; mean(v)={


}; stdev(v,mu="")={


}; histogram(v,bins=16,low=0,high=1)={


}; show(n)={


}; show(10^4)</lang>

For versions before 2.4.3, define <lang parigp>rreal()={

 my(pr=32*ceil(default(realprecision)*log(10)/log(4294967296))); \\ Current precision

};</lang> and use rreal() in place of random(1.).

A PARI implementation: <lang C>GEN rnormal(long prec) { pari_sp ltop = avma; GEN u1, u2, left, right, ret; u1 = randomr(prec); u2 = randomr(prec); left = sqrtr_abs(shiftr(mplog(u1), 1)); right = mpcos(mulrr(shiftr(mppi(prec), 1), u2));

ret = mulrr(left, right); ret = gerepileupto(ltop, ret); return ret; }</lang> Use mpsincos and caching to generate two values at nearly the same cost.


Works with: free Pascal

//not neccessary include unit math if using function rnorm

got some trouble with math.randg needs this call randg(cMean,cMean*cStdDiv), whereas randg(cMean,cStdDiv) to get the same results??

From Free Pascal Docs unit math <lang pascal>Program Example40; {$IFDEF FPC}

 {$MOde objFPC}

{$ENDIF} { Program to demonstrate the randg function. } Uses Math;


 tTestData =  extended;//because of math.randg
 ttstfunc = function  (mean, sd: tTestData): tTestData;
 tExArray = Array of tTestData;
 tSolution = record
               SolExArr : tExArray;
               SolStdDiv : tTestData;
               SolSmpCnt : LongInt;

function getSol(genFunc:ttstfunc;Mean,StdDiv: tTestData;smpCnt: LongInt): tSolution; var

 sumsqrVal : extended;


 with result do
   SolSmpCnt  := smpCnt;
   SolMean    := 0;
   SolStdDiv  := 0;
   SolLowVal  := Mean+50* StdDiv;
   SolHighVal := Mean-50* StdDiv;
   if smpCnt <= 0 then
   sumValue   := 0;
   sumsqrVal  := 0;
     GenValue   := genFunc(Mean,StdDiv);
     sumValue   := sumvalue+GenValue;
     sumsqrVal  :=  sumsqrVal+sqr(GenValue);
     IF GenValue < SollowVal then
       SollowVal:= GenValue
       IF GenValue > SolHighVal then
          SolHighVal := GenValue;
     SolExArr[smpCnt] := GenValue;
   until smpCnt<= 0;
   SolMean := sumValue/SolSmpCnt;
   SolStdDiv := sqrt(sumsqrVal/SolSmpCnt-sqr(SolMean));


// function rnorm (mean, sd: tTestData): tTestData;

{Calculates Gaussian random numbers according to the Box-Müller approach}
  u1, u2: extended;
  u1 := random;
  u2 := random;
  rnorm := mean * abs(1 + sqrt(-2 * (ln(u1))) * cos(2 * pi * u2) * sd);

procedure Histo(const sol:TSolution;Colcnt,ColLen :LongInt); var

 CntHisto : array of integer;
 LoLmt,HiLmt,span : tTestData;
 i, j,cnt,maxCnt: LongInt;
 sCross : Ansistring;


 with Sol do
   span := solHighVal-solLowVal;
   LoLmt := solLowVal;
   writeln('Count: ',SolSmpCnt:10,' Mean ',SolMean:10:6,' StdDiv ',SolStdDIv:10:6);
   writeln('span : ',span:10:5,' Low  ',solLowVal:10:6,'   high ',solHighVal:10:6);
 maxCnt := 0;
 For j := 0 to Colcnt-1 do
   HiLmt:= LoLmt+span/Colcnt;
   cnt := 0;
   with sol do
     For i := 0 to High(SolExArr) do
        IF (HiLmt > SolExArr[i]) AND  (SolExArr[i]>= LoLmt) then
   CntHisto[j] := cnt;
   IF maxCnt < cnt then
     maxCnt := cnt;
   LoLmt:=  HiLmt;
 inc(CntHisto[Colcnt]); // for HiLmt itself
 LoLmt := sol.solLowVal;
 For i := 0 to Colcnt-1 do
   Writeln(LoLmt:8:4,': ');
   cnt:= Round(CntHisto[i]*ColLen/maxCnt);
   fillChar(sCross[1],3,' ');
   LoLmt := LoLmt+span/Colcnt;
 Writeln(sol.solHighVal:8:4,': ');



 cHistCnt = 11;
 cColLen = 65;
 cStdDiv = 0.25;
 cMean   = 20*cStdDiv;


 mySol : tSolution;


 // test of randg of unit math
 Writeln('function randg');
 mySol := getSol(@randg,cMean,cMean*cStdDiv,100000);
 // test of rnorm from wiki
 Writeln('function rnorm');
 mySol := getSol(@rnorm,cMean,cStdDiv,1000000);



function randg Count: 100000 Mean 5.000326 StdDiv 1.250027 span : 10.65123 Low -0.333310 high 10.317922

      287   #
     2291   #####
     9531   #####################
    22608   #################################################
    29953   #################################################################
    22917   ##################################################
     9716   #####################
     2352   #####
      295   #

function rnorm Count: 1000000 Mean 4.998391 StdDiv 1.251103 span : 11.08994 Low 0.001521 high 11.091461

     7797   ##
    49235   ###########
   162761   ####################################
   293242   #################################################################
   285818   ###############################################################
   150781   #################################
    42641   #########
     6467   #

Perl 6

<lang perl6>constant τ = 2 * pi;

sub normdist ($m, $σ) {

   my $r = sqrt -2 * log rand;
   my $Θ = τ * rand;
   $r * cos($Θ) * $σ + $m;


sub MAIN ($size = 100000, $mean = 50, $stddev = 4) {

   my @dataset = normdist($mean,$stddev) xx $size;
   my $m = [+](@dataset) / $size;
   say (:$m);
   my $σ = sqrt [+](@dataset X** 2) / $size - $m**2;
   say (:$σ);
   (my %hash){.round}++ for @dataset;
   my $scale = 180 * $stddev / $size;
   constant @subbar = < ⎸ ▏ ▎ ▍ ▌ ▋ ▊ ▉ █ >;
   for %hash.keys».Int.minmax(+*) -> $i {
       my $x = (%hash{$i} // 0) * $scale;
       my $full = floor $x;
       my $part = 8 * ($x - $full);
       say $i, "\t", '█' x $full, @subbar[$part];


"m" => 50.006107405837142e0
"σ" => 4.0814435639885254e0
33	⎸
34	⎸
35	⎸
36	▏
37	▎
38	▊
39	█▋
40	███⎸
41	█████▊
42	██████████⎸
43	███████████████▋
44	███████████████████████▏
45	████████████████████████████████▌
46	███████████████████████████████████████████▍
47	██████████████████████████████████████████████████████▏
48	███████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████▏
49	█████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████▋
50	███████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████▊
51	█████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████▌
52	███████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████⎸
53	██████████████████████████████████████████████████████▎
54	███████████████████████████████████████████⎸
55	████████████████████████████████▌
56	███████████████████████▍
57	███████████████▉
58	█████████▉
59	█████▍
60	███▍
61	█▋
62	▊
63	▍
64	▏
65	⎸
66	⎸
67	⎸


Translation of: Liberty_BASIC

<lang Phix>procedure sample(integer n) -- show mean, standard deviation. Find max, min. sequence dat = repeat(0,n)

   for i=1 to n do
       dat[i] = sqrt(-2*log(rnd()))*cos(2*PI*rnd())
   end for
   printf(1,"%d data terms used.\n",{n})

   atom mean = sum(dat)/n,
        mx = max(dat),
        mn = min(dat),
        range = mx-mn
   printf(1,"Largest term was %g & smallest was %g\n",{mx,mn})
   printf(1,"Mean = %g\n",{mean})
   printf(1,"Stddev = %g\n",sqrt(sum(sq_mul(dat,dat))/n-mean*mean))

   -- show histogram
   integer nBins = 50
   sequence bins = repeat(0,nBins+1)
   for i=1 to n do
       bins[floor((dat[i]-mn)/range*nBins)+1] += 1
   end for
   for b=1 to nBins do
   end for

end procedure


100000 data terms used.
Largest term was 4.30779 & smallest was -4.11902
Mean = -0.00252597
Stddev = 1.00067

Translation of: Lua

<lang Phix>function gaussian(atom mean, atom variance)

   return sqrt(-2 * variance * log(rnd())) *
          cos(2 * variance * PI * rnd()) + mean

end function

function mean(sequence t)

   return sum(t)/length(t)

end function

function std(sequence t)

   atom squares = 0,
        avg = mean(t)
   for i=1 to length(t) do
       squares += power(avg-t[i],2)
   end for
   atom variance = squares/length(t)
   return sqrt(variance)

end function

procedure showHistogram(sequence t)

   for i=ceil(min(t)) to floor(max(t)) do
       integer n = 0
       for k=1 to length(t) do
           n += ceil(t[k]-0.5)=i
       end for
       integer l = floor(n/length(t)*200)
       printf(1,"%d %s %d\n",{i,repeat('=',l),n})
   end for

end procedure

sequence t = repeat(0,100000) integer avg = 50, variance = 10 for i=1 to length(t) do

   t[i] = gaussian(avg, variance)

end for printf(1,"Mean: %g, expected %g\n",{mean(t),avg}) printf(1,"StdDev: %g, expected %g\n",{std(t),sqrt(variance)}) showHistogram(t)</lang>

Mean: 50.0041, expected 50
StdDev: 3.1673, expected 3.16228
37  2
38  7
39  30
40  92
41  220
42 = 523
43 == 1098
44 ==== 2140
45 ======= 3690
46 =========== 5753
47 =============== 7906
48 ==================== 10299
49 ======================= 11813
50 ========================= 12555
51 ======================= 11934
52 ==================== 10327
53 ================ 8099
54 =========== 5733
55 ======= 3684
56 ==== 2126
57 == 1098
58  487
59  226
60  106
61  36
62  9
63  7


<lang purebasic>Procedure.f randomf(resolution = 2147483647)

 ProcedureReturn Random(resolution) / resolution


Procedure.f normalDist() ;Box Muller method

  ProcedureReturn Sqr(-2 * Log(randomf())) * Cos(2 * #PI * randomf())


Procedure sample(n, nBins = 50)

 Protected i, maxBinValue, binNumber
 Protected.f d, mean, sum, sumSq, mx, mn, range
 Dim dat.f(n)
 For i = 1 To n
   dat(i) = normalDist()
 ;show mean, standard deviation, find max & min.
 mx  = -1000
 mn  =  1000
 sum = 0
 sumSq = 0
 For i = 1 To n
   d = dat(i)
   If d > mx: mx = d: EndIf
   If d < mn: mn = d: EndIf
   sum + d
   sumSq + d * d
 PrintN(Str(n) + " data terms used.")
 PrintN("Largest term was " + StrF(mx) + " & smallest was " + StrF(mn))
 mean = sum / n
 PrintN("Mean = " + StrF(mean))
 PrintN("Stddev = " + StrF((sumSq / n) - Sqr(mean * mean)))
 ;show histogram
 range = mx - mn
 Dim bins(nBins)
 For i = 1 To n
   binNumber = Int(nBins * (dat(i) - mn) / range)
   bins(binNumber) + 1
 maxBinValue = 1
 For i = 0 To nBins
   If bins(i) > maxBinValue
     maxBinValue = bins(i)
 #normalizedMaxValue = 70
 For binNumber = 0 To nBins
   tickMarks = Round(bins(binNumber) * #normalizedMaxValue / maxBinValue, #PB_Round_Nearest)
   PrintN(ReplaceString(Space(tickMarks), " ", "#"))


If OpenConsole()

 Print(#CRLF$ + #CRLF$ + "Press ENTER to exit"): Input()

EndIf</lang> Sample output:

100000 data terms used.
Largest term was 4.5352029800 & smallest was -4.5405135155
Mean = 0.0012346541
Stddev = 0.9959455132



This uses the external matplotlib package as well as the built-in standardlib function random.gauss. <lang python>from __future__ import division import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import random

mean, stddev, size = 50, 4, 100000 data = [random.gauss(mean, stddev) for c in range(size)]

mn = sum(data) / size sd = (sum(x*x for x in data) / size

     - (sum(data) / size) ** 2) ** 0.5

print("Sample mean = %g; Stddev = %g; max = %g; min = %g for %i values"

     % (mn, sd, max(data), min(data), size))


Sample mean = 49.9822; Stddev = 4.00938; max = 66.8091; min = 33.5283 for 100000 values


R can generate random normal distributed numbers using the rnorm command: <lang r>n = 100000; X = rnorm(n, mean = 0, sd = 1); mean( X ); sd( X ); hist( X );</lang>


This shows how one would generate samples from a normal distribution, compute statistics and plot a histogram.

<lang racket>

  1. lang racket

(require math (planet williams/science/histogram-with-graphics))

(define data (sample (normal-dist 50 4) 100000))

(displayln (~a "Mean:\t" (mean data))) (displayln (~a "Stddev:\t" (stddev data))) (displayln (~a "Max:\t" (apply max data))) (displayln (~a "Min:\t" (apply min data)))

(define h (make-histogram-with-ranges-uniform 40 30 70)) (for ([x data]) (histogram-increment! h x)) (histogram-plot h "Normal distribution μ=50 σ=4") </lang>

The other part of the task was to produce normal distributed numbers from a unit distribution. The following code is an implementation of the polar method. It is a slightly modified version of code originally written by Sebastian Egner. <lang racket>

  1. lang racket

(require math)

(define random-normal

 (let ([unit (uniform-dist)]
       [next #f])
   (λ (μ σ)
     (if next
           (+ μ (* σ next))
           (set! next #f))
         (let loop ()
           (let* ([v1 (- (* 2.0 (sample unit)) 1.0)]
                  [v2 (- (* 2.0 (sample unit)) 1.0)]
                  [s (+ (sqr v1) (sqr v2))])
             (cond [(>= s 1) (loop)]
                   [else (define scale (sqrt (/ (* -2.0 (log s)) s)))
                         (set! next (* scale v2))
                         (+ μ (* σ scale v1))])))))))



The REXX language doesn't have any "higher math" BIF functions like SIN/COS/LN/LOG/SQRT/POW/etc,
so we hoi polloi programmers have to roll our own. <lang rexx>/*REXX program generates 10,000 normally distributed numbers (Gaussian distribution).*/ parse arg n seed . /*obtain optional arguments from the CL*/ if n== | n=="," then n=10000 /*Not specified? Then use the default.*/ if datatype(seed,'W') then call random ,,seed /*seed is for repeatable RANDOM numbers*/ call pi /*call subroutine to define pi constant*/

       do g=1  for n                            /*generate  N  uniform random numbers. */
       #.g=sqrt(-2*ln(rand()))*cos(2*pi*rand()) /*assign a uniform random number to #. */
       end   /*g*/

mn=#.1; mx=mn; s=0; ss=0; noise=n*.0005 /*calculate the noise: 1/20th % of N.*/

       do j=1  for n;  _=#.j; s=s+_;  ss=ss+_*_ /*the sum,  and  the sum of squares.   */
       mn=min(mn,#.j);  mx=max(mx,#.j)          /*find the minimum  and the maximum.   */
       end   /*j*/

!.=0 say 'number of data points = ' aa(n ) say ' minimum = ' aa(mn ) say ' maximum = ' aa(mx ) say ' arithmetic mean = ' aa(s/n) say ' standard deviation = ' aa(sqrt(ss/n - (s/n)**2) ) ?mn=!.1; ?mx=?mn /*define minimum & maximum value so far*/ parse value scrSize() with sd sw . /*obtain the (true) screen size of term*/ /*◄──not all REXXes have this BIF*/ sdE=sd-4 /*the effective (useable) screen depth.*/ swE=sw-1 /* " " " " width.*/ $=1 / max(1,mx-mn) * sdE /*$ is used for scaling depth of histo*/

           do i=1  for n;       ?=trunc((#.i-mn) * $)    /*calculate the relative line.*/
           !.?=!.?+1                                     /*bump the counter.           */
           ?mn=min(?mn, !.?);   ?mx=max(?mx, !.?)        /*find the minimum and maximum*/
           end   /*i*/

f=swE/?mx /*limit graph to 1 full screen*/

           do h=0  for sdE;     _=!.h                    /*obtain a data point.        */
           if _>noise  then say copies('─', trunc(_*f))  /*display a bar of histogram. */
           end   /*h*/                                   /*[↑]  use a hyphen for histo.*/

exit /*stick a fork in it, we're all done. */ /*──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────*/ aa: parse arg a; return left(,(a>=0)+2*datatype(a,'W'))a /*prepend a blank if #>=0, add two blanks if its whole*/ e: e =2.7182818284590452353602874713526624977572470936999595749669676277240766303535; return e pi: pi=3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971693993751058209749445923078164062862; return pi rand: return random(, 1e5) / 1e5 /*REXX generates uniform random postive integers.*/ r2r: return arg(1) // (pi()*2) /*normalize the given angle (in radians) to ±2pi.*/ .sincos: parse arg z,_,i; x=x*x; p=z; do k=2 by 2; _=-_*x/(k*(k+i)); z=z+_; if z=p then leave; p=z; end; return z ln: procedure; parse arg x,f; call e; ig=x>1.5; is=1-2*(ig\==1); ii=0; xx=x; return .ln() .ln: do while ig&xx>1.5|\ig&xx<.5;_=e; do k=-1;iz=xx*_**-is;if k>=0&(ig&iz<1|\ig&iz>.5) then leave; _=_*_;izz=iz; end

        xx=izz;ii=ii+is*2**k;end; x=x*e**-ii-1;z=0;_=-1;p=z; do k=1;_=-_*x;z=z+_/k;if z=p then leave;p=z;end; return z+ii

cos: procedure; parse arg x; x=r2r(x); a=abs(x); hpi=pi*.5; numeric fuzz min(6,digits()-3); if a=pi() then return -1

        if a=hpi|a=hpi*3 then return 0; if a=pi()/3 then return .5; if a=pi()*2/3 then return -.5; return .sinCos(1,1,-1)

sqrt: procedure; parse arg x; if x=0 then return 0; d=digits(); m.=9; numeric digits; numeric form; h=d+6

        parse value format(x,2,1,,0) 'E0'  with  g 'E' _ .; g=g*.5'e'_%2;    do j=0  while h>9; m.j=h; h=h%2+1; end /*j*/
          do k=j+5  to 0  by -1;  numeric digits m.k;  g=(g+x/g)*.5;  end  /*k*/;          numeric digits d;   return g/1</lang>

This REXX program makes use of   scrsize   REXX program (or BIF) which is used to determine the screen size of the terminal (console).
The   SCRSIZE.REX   REXX program is included here ──►   SCRSIZE.REX.

output   when using the default input:
(The output shown when the screen size is 50x80.)

number of data points =     10000
              minimum =  -3.41571894
              maximum =   3.96752904
      arithmetic mean =  -0.0150910306
   standard deviation =   0.99056458


output   when using the default input:
(The output shown when the screen size is 60x130.)

number of data points =     10000
              minimum =  -3.83073183
              maximum =   3.61051026
      arithmetic mean =   0.00421997333
   standard deviation =   0.981924955


<lang runbasic> s = 100000 h$ = "=============================================================" h$ = h$ + h$ dim ndis(s) ' mean and standard deviation. mx = -9999 mn = 9999 sum = 0 sumSqr = 0 for i = 1 to s ' find minimum and maximum ms = rnd(1) ss = rnd(1) nd = (-2 * log(ms))^0.5 * cos(2 *3.14159265 * ss) ' normal distribution ndis(i) = nd mx = max(mx, nd) mn = min(mn, nd) sum = sum + nd sumSqr = sumSqr + nd ^ 2 next i

mean = sum / s range = mx - mn

print "Samples  :"; s print "Largest  :"; mx print "Smallest  :"; mn print "Range  :"; range print "Mean  :"; mean print "Stand Dev :"; (sumSqr /s -mean^2)^0.5

'Show chart of histogram nBins = 50 dim bins(nBins) for i = 1 to s z = int((ndis(i) -mn) /range *nBins) bins(z) = bins(z) + 1 mb = max(bins(z),mb) next i for b = 0 to nBins -1

print using("##",b);" ";using("#####",bins(b));" ";left$(h$,(bins(b) / mb) * 90)

next b END</lang>

Samples   :100000
Largest   :4.61187177
Smallest  :-4.21695424
Range     :8.82882601
Mean      :-9.25042513e-4
Stand Dev :1.00680067



<lang sas>data test; n=100000; twopi=2*constant('pi'); do i=1 to n; u=ranuni(0); v=ranuni(0); r=sqrt(-2*log(u)); x=r*cos(twopi*v); y=r*sin(twopi*v); z=rannor(0); output; end; keep x y z;

proc means mean stddev;

proc univariate; histogram /normal;


/* Variable Mean Std Dev

x -0.0052720 0.9988467 y 0.000023995 1.0019996 z 0.0012857 1.0056536

  • /</lang>


Translation of: Perl 6

<lang ruby>define τ = Number.tau

func normdist (m, σ) {

   var r = sqrt(-2 * 1.rand.log)
   var Θ = (τ * 1.rand)
   r * Θ.cos * σ + m


var size = 100_000 var mean = 50 var stddev = 4

var dataset = size.of { normdist(mean, stddev) } var m = (dataset.sum(0) / size) say ("m: #{m}")

var σ = sqrt(dataset »**» 2 -> sum(0) / size - m**2) say ("s: #{σ}")

var hash = Hash() dataset.each { |n| hash{ n.round(0) } := 0 ++ }

var scale = (180 * stddev / size) const subbar = < ⎸ ▏ ▎ ▍ ▌ ▋ ▊ ▉ █ >

for i in ({.to_i}.sort) {

   var x = (hash{i} * scale)
   var full =
   var part = (8 * (x - full))
   say (i, "\t", '█' * full, subbar[part])


m: 49.99538275618550306540055142077589
s: 4.00295544816687358837821680496471
33	⎸
34	⎸
35	⎸
36	▏
37	▎
38	▊
39	█▋
40	███▏
41	██████▏
42	█████████▍
43	███████████████▌
44	███████████████████████▋
45	████████████████████████████████▍
46	████████████████████████████████████████████▎
47	█████████████████████████████████████████████████████▍
48	███████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████▍
49	█████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████▌
50	████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████▋
51	█████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████▊
52	██████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████▏
53	████████████████████████████████████████████████████▉
54	███████████████████████████████████████████▉
55	█████████████████████████████████▎
56	███████████████████████⎸
57	███████████████▋
58	█████████▋
59	█████▍
60	███▍
61	█▊
62	▋
63	▍
64	▏
65	⎸
66	⎸


<lang tcl>package require Tcl 8.5

  1. Uses the Box-Muller transform to compute a pair of normal random numbers

proc tcl::mathfunc::nrand {mean stddev} {

   variable savednormalrandom
   if {[info exists savednormalrandom]} {

return [expr {$savednormalrandom*$stddev + $mean}][unset savednormalrandom]

   set r [expr {sqrt(-2*log(rand()))}]
   set theta [expr {2*3.1415927*rand()}]
   set savednormalrandom [expr {$r*sin($theta)}]
   expr {$r*cos($theta)*$stddev + $mean}

} proc stats {size {slotfactor 10}} {

   set sum 0.0
   set sum2 0.0
   for {set i 0} {$i < $size} {incr i} {

set r [expr { nrand(0.5, 0.2) }]

incr histo([expr {int(floor($r*$slotfactor))}]) set sum [expr {$sum + $r}] set sum2 [expr {$sum2 + $r**2}]

   set mean [expr {$sum / $size}]
   set stddev [expr {sqrt($sum2/$size - $mean**2)}]
   puts "$size numbers"
   puts "Mean:   $mean"
   puts "StdDev: $stddev"
   foreach i [lsort -integer [array names histo]] {

puts [string repeat "*" [expr {$histo($i)*350/int($size)}]]



stats 100 puts "" stats 1000 puts "" stats 10000 puts "" stats 100000 20</lang> Sample output:

100 numbers
Mean:   0.49355955990390254
StdDev: 0.19651396178121985

1000 numbers
Mean:   0.5066940614105869
StdDev: 0.2016794788065389


10000 numbers
Mean:   0.49980964730768285
StdDev: 0.1968441612522318


100000 numbers
Mean:   0.49960438950922254
StdDev: 0.20060211160998606


The blank lines in the output are where the number of samples is too small to even merit a single unit on the histogram.


Translation of: Go

<lang zkl>fcn norm2{ // Box-Muller

  const PI2=(0.0).pi*2;;
  rnd:=(0.0).random.fp(1);  // random number in [0,1), using partial application
  r,a:=(-2.0*rnd().log()).sqrt(), PI2*rnd();
  return(r*a.cos(), r*a.sin());  // z0,z1

} const N=100000, BINS=12, SIG=3, SCALE=500; var sum=0.0,sumSq=0.0, h=BINS.pump(List(),0); // (0,0,0,...) fcn accum(v){

  b:=(v + SIG)*BINS/SIG/2;
  if(0<=b<BINS) h[b]+=1;

};</lang> Partial application: rnd() --> (0.0).random(1). Basically, the fp method fixes the call parameters, which are then used when the partial thing is run. <lang zkl>foreach i in (N/2){ v1,v2:=norm2(); accum(v1); accum(v2); } println("Samples: %,d".fmt(N)); println("Mean: ", m:=sum/N); println("Stddev: ", (sumSq/N - m*m).sqrt()); foreach p in (h){ println("*"*(p/SCALE)) }</lang>

Samples: 100,000
Mean:    0.0005999
Stddev:  1.003