Stable marriage problem: Difference between revisions

m (syntax highlighting fixup automation)
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Jon & Fred swap partners
Stable = No</pre>
'''Adapted from [[#Wren|Wren]]'''
{{works with|jq}}
'''Also works with gojq, the Go implementation of jq'''
'''Also works with fq, a Go implementation of a large subset of jq'''
This adaptation from [[#Wren]] illustrates
how jq's `debug` facility can be used to
show details about the progress of a computation.
These progress messages could be suppressed,
for example,
by redefining debug/1 as: `def debug(msg): .;`
<syntaxhighlight lang=jq>
# Generic utilities:
def debug(msg): (msg|debug) as $_ | .;
# Remove the key named $key from an object specified by the given path
def rmkey($key; path):
path |= with_entries(select(.key != $key));
def printPairs:
| "\(.key) \(.value)";
def debugPairs:
. as $in
| reduce to_entries[] as $x (null;
$x | debug("\(.key) \(.value)") )
| $in;
# The individual preferences
def mPref : {
"abe": [
"abi", "eve", "cath", "ivy", "jan",
"dee", "fay", "bea", "hope", "gay"],
"bob": [
"cath", "hope", "abi", "dee", "eve",
"fay", "bea", "jan", "ivy", "gay"],
"col": [
"hope", "eve", "abi", "dee", "bea",
"fay", "ivy", "gay", "cath", "jan"],
"dan": [
"ivy", "fay", "dee", "gay", "hope",
"eve", "jan", "bea", "cath", "abi"],
"ed": [
"jan", "dee", "bea", "cath", "fay",
"eve", "abi", "ivy", "hope", "gay"],
"fred": [
"bea", "abi", "dee", "gay", "eve",
"ivy", "cath", "jan", "hope", "fay"],
"gav": [
"gay", "eve", "ivy", "bea", "cath",
"abi", "dee", "hope", "jan", "fay"],
"hal": [
"abi", "eve", "hope", "fay", "ivy",
"cath", "jan", "bea", "gay", "dee"],
"ian": [
"hope", "cath", "dee", "gay", "bea",
"abi", "fay", "ivy", "jan", "eve"],
"jon": [
"abi", "fay", "jan", "gay", "eve",
"bea", "dee", "cath", "ivy", "hope"]
def wPref : {
"abi": {
"bob": 1, "fred": 2, "jon": 3, "gav": 4, "ian": 5,
"abe": 6, "dan": 7, "ed": 8, "col": 9, "hal": 10},
"bea": {
"bob": 1, "abe": 2, "col": 3, "fred": 4, "gav": 5,
"dan": 6, "ian": 7, "ed": 8, "jon": 9, "hal": 10},
"cath": {
"fred": 1, "bob": 2, "ed": 3, "gav": 4, "hal": 5,
"col": 6, "ian": 7, "abe": 8, "dan": 9, "jon": 10},
"dee": {
"fred": 1, "jon": 2, "col": 3, "abe": 4, "ian": 5,
"hal": 6, "gav": 7, "dan": 8, "bob": 9, "ed": 10},
"eve": {
"jon": 1, "hal": 2, "fred": 3, "dan": 4, "abe": 5,
"gav": 6, "col": 7, "ed": 8, "ian": 9, "bob": 10},
"fay": {
"bob": 1, "abe": 2, "ed": 3, "ian": 4, "jon": 5,
"dan": 6, "fred": 7, "gav": 8, "col": 9, "hal": 10},
"gay": {
"jon": 1, "gav": 2, "hal": 3, "fred": 4, "bob": 5,
"abe": 6, "col": 7, "ed": 8, "dan": 9, "ian": 10},
"hope": {
"gav": 1, "jon": 2, "bob": 3, "abe": 4, "ian": 5,
"dan": 6, "hal": 7, "ed": 8, "col": 9, "fred": 10},
"ivy": {
"ian": 1, "col": 2, "hal": 3, "gav": 4, "fred": 5,
"bob": 6, "abe": 7, "ed": 8, "jon": 9, "dan": 10},
"jan": {
"ed": 1, "hal": 2, "gav": 3, "abe": 4, "bob": 5,
"jon": 6, "col": 7, "ian": 8, "fred": 9, "dan": 10}
# pair/2 implements the Gale/Shapley algorithm.
# $pPref gives the proposer preferences (like mPref above)
# $rPref gives the recipient preferences (like wPref above)
# Output: a JSON object giving the matching as w:m pairs
def pair($pPref; $rPref):
def undo:
debug("engagement: \(.recipient) \(.proposer)")
| .proposals[.recipient] = {proposer, pPref: .ppref, rPref: .rpref}
| rmkey(.proposer; .pFree)
| rmkey(.recipient; .rFree);
# preferences must be saved in case engagement is broken;
# they will be saved as: {proposer, pPref, rPref}
{ pFree: $pPref,
rFree: $rPref,
proposals: {} # key is recipient (w)
# WP pseudocode comments prefaced with WP: m is proposer, w is recipient.
# WP: while ∃ free man m who still has a woman w to propose to
| until (.pFree|length == 0; # while there is a free proposer ...
# pick a proposer
(.pFree|to_entries[0]) as $me
| .proposer = $me.key
| .ppref = $me.value
| if .ppref|length == 0
then . # if proposer has no possible recipients, skip
# WP: w = m's highest ranked woman to whom he has not yet proposed
.recipient = .ppref[0] # highest ranked is first in list
| .ppref = .ppref[1:] # pop from list
# WP: if w is free
| .rpref = .rFree[.recipient]
| if .rpref
then # WP: (m, w) become engaged
# WP: else some pair (m', w) already exists
.s = .proposals[.recipient] # get proposal saved preferences
# WP: if w prefers m to m'
| if .s.rPref[.proposer] < .s.rPref[.s.proposer]
then debug("engagement broken: \(.recipient) \(.s.proposer)")
# WP: m' becomes free
| .pFree[.s.proposer] = .s.pPref # return proposer to the map
# WP: (m, w) become engaged
| .rpref = .s.rPref
| undo
# WP: else (m', w) remain engaged
.pFree[.proposer] = .ppref # update preferences in map
) # end until
# construct return value
| reduce (.proposals|to_entries)[] as $me ({};
.[$me.key] = $me.value.proposer ) ;
# return {result, emit} where .emit is an explanation
def determineStability($ps; $pPref; $rPref):
| debug("Determining the stability of the following pairings:")
| debugPairs
| to_entries as $pse
| {i:0}
| until(.emit or .i == ($ps|length); # stop after detecting an instability
$pse[.i].key as $r
| $pse[.i].value as $p
| (first($pPref[$p][] as $rp
| if ($r == $rp) then false
else $rPref[$rp] as $rprefs
| if ($rprefs[$p] < $rprefs[$ps[$rp]])
then "\ncauses instability because " +
"\($p) and \($rp) would prefer each other over their current pairings."
else empty
end ) // false) as $counterexample
| if $counterexample == false then . else .emit = $counterexample end
| .i += 1 )
| if .emit then {result: false, emit} else {result: true} end ;
# Determine pairings using the Gale/Shapley algorithm and then perturb until instability arises.
def task:
pair(mPref; wPref)
| . as $ps
| "Solution:", printPairs,
# verify
((determineStability($ps; mPref; wPref)) as $return
| ($return.emit // empty ),
if $return.result == false
then debug("invalid input")
"The result has been validated.",
"Now perturb the result until validation fails.",
(label $done
| foreach range(0; $ps|length -1 ) as $start (.;
.ps = $ps
| (.ps|to_entries) as $kv
| .w2[0] = $kv[$start].key
| .m2[0] = $kv[$start].value
| .w2[1] = $kv[$start+1].key
| .m2[1] = $kv[$start+1].value
| .emit = "\nExchanging partners of \(.m2[0]) and \(.m2[1])"
| .ps[.w2[0]] = .m2[1]
| .ps[.w2[1]] = .m2[0]
# validate perturbed pairings
| determineStability(.ps; mPref; wPref) as $result
| .emit += $result.emit
| .result = $result.result
if .result == false then break $done else empty end
end );
'''Invocation:''' jq -nr -f stable-marriage-problem.jq
["DEBUG:","engagement: abi abe"]
["DEBUG:","engagement: cath bob"]
["DEBUG:","engagement: hope col"]
["DEBUG:","engagement: ivy dan"]
["DEBUG:","engagement: jan ed"]
["DEBUG:","engagement: bea fred"]
["DEBUG:","engagement: gay gav"]
["DEBUG:","engagement: eve hal"]
["DEBUG:","engagement broken: hope col"]
["DEBUG:","engagement: hope ian"]
["DEBUG:","engagement broken: abi abe"]
["DEBUG:","engagement: abi jon"]
["DEBUG:","engagement: dee col"]
["DEBUG:","engagement broken: ivy dan"]
["DEBUG:","engagement: ivy abe"]
["DEBUG:","engagement: fay dan"]
abi jon
cath bob
hope ian
ivy abe
jan ed
bea fred
gay gav
eve hal
dee col
fay dan
["DEBUG:","Determining the stability of the following pairings:"]
["DEBUG:","abi jon"]
["DEBUG:","cath bob"]
["DEBUG:","hope ian"]
["DEBUG:","ivy abe"]
["DEBUG:","jan ed"]
["DEBUG:","bea fred"]
["DEBUG:","gay gav"]
["DEBUG:","eve hal"]
["DEBUG:","dee col"]
["DEBUG:","fay dan"]
The result has been validated.
Now perturb the result until validation fails.
["DEBUG:","Determining the stability of the following pairings:"]
["DEBUG:","abi bob"]
["DEBUG:","cath jon"]
["DEBUG:","hope ian"]
["DEBUG:","ivy abe"]
["DEBUG:","jan ed"]
["DEBUG:","bea fred"]
["DEBUG:","gay gav"]
["DEBUG:","eve hal"]
["DEBUG:","dee col"]
["DEBUG:","fay dan"]
Exchanging partners of jon and bob
causes instability because bob and cath would prefer each other over their current pairings.
