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Compare sorting algorithms' performance: Difference between revisions

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The data fit curves of the character cell graph were combined with GCD +. function. This explains "1"s or other strange values where these curves intersect. Finally the scatter plots were multiplied by infinity and added to the best fit curves. The points didn't show up well using the same values as the curves.
<lang javascript>
function swap(a, i, j){
var t = a[i]
a[i] = a[j]
a[j] = t
// Heap Sort
function heap_sort(a){
var n = a.length
function heapify(i){
var t = a[i]
while (true){
var l = 2 * i + 1, r = l + 1
var m = r < n ? (a[l] > a[r] ? l : r) : (l < n ? l : i)
if (m != i && a[m] > t){
a[i] = a[m]
i = m
a[i] = t;
for (let i = Math.floor(n / 2) - 1; i >= 0; i--){
for (let i = n - 1; i >= 1; i--){
swap(a, 0, i)
// Merge Sort
function merge_sort(a){
var b = new Array(a.length)
function rec(l, r){
if (l < r){
var m = Math.floor((l + r) / 2)
rec(l, m)
rec(m + 1, r)
var i = l, j = m + 1, k = 0;
while (i <= m && j <= r) b[k++] = (a[i] > a[j] ? a[j++] : a[i++])
while (j <= r) b[k++] = a[j++]
while (i <= m) b[k++] = a[i++]
for (k = l; k <= r; k++){
a[k] = b[k - l]
rec(0, a.length-1)
// Quick Sort
function quick_sort(a){
function rec(l, r){
if (l < r){
var p = a[l + Math.floor((r - l + 1)*Math.random())]
var i = l, j = l, k = r
while (j <= k){
if (a[j] < p){
swap(a, i++, j++)
else if (a[j] > p){
swap(a, j, k--)
rec(l, i - 1)
rec(k + 1, r)
rec(0, a.length - 1)
// Shell Sort
function shell_sort(a){
var n = a.length
var gaps = [100894, 44842, 19930, 8858, 3937, 1750, 701, 301, 132, 57, 23, 10, 4, 1]
for (let x of gaps){
for (let i = x; i < n; i++){
var t = a[i], j;
for (j = i; j >= x && a[j - x] > t; j -= x){
a[j] = a[j - x];
a[j] = t;
// Comb Sort (+ Insertion sort optimization)
function comb_sort(a){
var n = a.length
for (let x = n; x >= 10; x = Math.floor(x / 1.3)){
for (let i = 0; i + x < n; i++){
if (a[i] > a[i + x]){
swap(a, i, i + x)
for (let i = 1; i < n; i++){
var t = a[i], j;
for (j = i; j > 0 && a[j - 1] > t; j--){
a[j] = a[j - 1]
a[j] = t;
// Test
function test(f, g, e){
var res = ""
for (let n of e){
var a = new Array(n)
var s = 0
for (let k = 0; k < 10; k++){
for (let i = 0; i < n; i++){
a[i] = g(i)
var start = Date.now()
s += Date.now() - start
res += Math.round(s / 10) + "\t"
return res
// Main
var e = [5000, 10000, 100000, 500000, 1000000, 2000000]
var sOut = "Test times in ms\n\nElements\t" + e.join("\t") + "\n\n"
sOut += "*All ones*\n"
sOut += "heap_sort\t" + test(heap_sort, (x => 1), e) + "\n"
sOut += "quick_sort\t" + test(quick_sort, (x => 1), e) + "\n"
sOut += "merge_sort\t" + test(merge_sort, (x => 1), e) + "\n"
sOut += "shell_sort\t" + test(shell_sort, (x => 1), e) + "\n"
sOut += "comb_sort\t" + test(comb_sort, (x => 1), e) + "\n\n"
sOut += "*Sorted*\n"
sOut += "heap_sort\t" + test(heap_sort, (x => x), e) + "\n"
sOut += "quick_sort\t" + test(quick_sort, (x => x), e) + "\n"
sOut += "merge_sort\t" + test(merge_sort, (x => x), e) + "\n"
sOut += "shell_sort\t" + test(shell_sort, (x => x), e) + "\n"
sOut += "comb_sort\t" + test(comb_sort, (x => x), e) + "\n\n"
sOut += "*Random*\n"
sOut += "heap_sort\t" + test(heap_sort, (x => Math.random()), e) + "\n"
sOut += "quick_sort\t" + test(quick_sort, (x => Math.random()), e) + "\n"
sOut += "merge_sort\t" + test(merge_sort, (x => Math.random()), e) + "\n"
sOut += "shell_sort\t" + test(shell_sort, (x => Math.random()), e) + "\n"
sOut += "comb_sort\t" + test(comb_sort, (x => Math.random()), e) + "\n"
Test times in ms
Elements 5000 10000 100000 500000 1000000 2000000
*All ones*
heap_sort 0 0 0 3 5 11
quick_sort 0 0 0 1 2 4
merge_sort 1 1 9 50 103 216
shell_sort 1 0 4 19 39 78
comb_sort 1 0 6 35 75 160
heap_sort 1 1 7 38 79 162
quick_sort 1 1 10 54 111 230
merge_sort 1 1 9 50 103 217
shell_sort 0 0 3 19 39 78
comb_sort 0 1 6 34 75 160
heap_sort 1 1 12 71 161 383
quick_sort 1 1 15 85 177 373
merge_sort 1 1 18 103 215 451
shell_sort 1 1 15 89 188 397
comb_sort 1 1 12 74 159 343
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