Pythagorean triples: Difference between revisions

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There are 17 Pythagorean triples with perimeter no larger than 100 and 7 of them are coprime.
show :-
Data = [100, 1_000, 10_000, 100_000, 1_000_000, 10_000_000, 100_000_000],
member(Max, Data),
(count_triples(Max, Total, Prim),
format("upto ~D, there are ~D Pythagorean triples (~D primitive.)~n", [Max, Total, Prim]))).
div(A, B, C) :- C is A div B.
count_triples(Max, Total, Prims) :-
findall(S, (triple(Max, A, B, C), S is A + B + C), Ps),
length(Ps, Prims),
maplist(div(Max), Ps, Counts), sumlist(Counts, Total).
% - between_by/4
between_by(A, B, N, K) :-
C is (B - A) div N,
between(0, C, J),
K is N*J + A.
% - Pythagorean triple generator
triple(P, A, B, C) :-
Max is floor(sqrt(P/2)) - 1,
between(0, Max, M),
Start is (M /\ 1) + 1, succ(Pm, M),
between_by(Start, Pm, 2, N),
gcd(M, N) =:= 1,
X is M*M - N*N,
Y is 2*M*N,
C is M*M + N*N,
(X + Y + C) =< P,
order2(X, Y, A, B).
order2(A, B, A, B) :- A < B, !.
order2(A, B, B, A).
?- show.
upto 100, there are 17 Pythagorean triples (7 primitive.)
upto 1,000, there are 325 Pythagorean triples (70 primitive.)
upto 10,000, there are 4,857 Pythagorean triples (702 primitive.)
upto 100,000, there are 64,741 Pythagorean triples (7,026 primitive.)
upto 1,000,000, there are 808,950 Pythagorean triples (70,229 primitive.)
upto 10,000,000, there are 9,706,567 Pythagorean triples (702,309 primitive.)
upto 100,000,000, there are 113,236,940 Pythagorean triples (7,023,027 primitive.)
