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(initial code)
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* The seeds of success are sown early, as random play from a truncated position in a known good game produces good results
* The seeds of success are sown early, as random play from a truncated position in a known good game produces good results
* Random play suggests that things are advance fairly quickly before a position gets choked. Many runs hit their mark in the first 5-10k. A few require more (e.g 50K).
* Random play suggests that things are advance fairly quickly before a position gets choked. Many runs hit their mark in the first 5-10k. A few require more (e.g 50K).

== Core Morpion Routines ==
<lang Unicon>link printf,strings,options

$define MORPVER "1.7" # version

procedure main(A) # Morphion
if \M_ReplayFile then ReplayMorpion()
else if \M_limit === 1 then PlayMorphion5T()
else MultiSimMorphion(\M_Limit)

record morpioncell(symbol,direction,row,col) # a grid cell
record morpionmove(direction,move,line) # move & line
record morpiongame(grid,log,history,roff,coff,center,pool,move,count) # all game data

global M_Strategy,M_Eval,M_Mvalid # Pluggable procedures
global M_CommandLine,M_Config,M_PrintOpt,M_GameSave # Misc.
global M_Limit,M_StatUpd,M_BestL,M_WorstL # Multi-game simulation options
global M_SrchWid,M_SrchDep # For strategy modules
global M_ReplayFile,M_ReplayAfter # For game replay

$define XEMPTY "." # symbols used in Grid
$define XINIT "*"
$define XUSED "+"

$define DHOR "-" # Directions for moves
$define DVER "|"
$define DRD "\\"
$define DLD "/"

procedure PlayMorphion5T() #: Play a 5T game
G := (MG := SetupM5Grid()).grid # start new game
if M_PrintOpt = 1 then PrintGrid(MG)
pg := if M_PrintOpt == 2 then PrintGrid else 1
while MorphionMove(M_Strategy(pg(MG))) # keep moving
if M_PrintOpt = 1 then PrintGrid(MG)
if M_PrintOpt > 0 then {
return MG

procedure MorphionMove(MG) #: make a move
put(MG.history,M := MG.move)
log := FormatMoveLog(M,MG.roff,MG.coff)
log ||:= sprintf(" - of %i choices.",*MG.pool) # append # choices
log ||:= sprintf(" Metric=%i",M_Eval(MG)) # append score (opt)
put(MG.log,log) # log the move
every x := !M.line do { # draw the line
g := MG.grid[x[1],x[2]]
g.direction ||:= M.direction
/g.symbol := XUSED # remove / for all XUSED

procedure ScanGrid(MG) #: Scan all grid lines
G := ExpandGrid(MG).grid # expand the grid if needed
MG.pool := [] # candidate moves
every c := 1 & r := 1 to *G do # horizontal
every r := 1 & c := 1 to *G[1] do # vertical
every ( c := 1 & r := 1 to *G-4 ) |
( c := 2 to *G[r := 1] ) do # down & right
every ( r := 2 to *G-4 & c := *G[r] ) |
( c := 5 to *G[r := 1] ) do # down & left

if *MG.history = 0 & M_Strategy ~=== Replayer then { # move 1 special case
every put(pool1 := [], MG.pool[1|16|28]) # keep i/o corner, o valley
MG.pool := pool1
if *MG.pool > 0 then return MG

procedure ScanGridLine(G,r0,c0,ri,ci,dir,pool) #: scan 1 grid line (5T)
local L5,M,r,c,x
L5 := []
r := r0 - ri & c := c0 -ci # one step back
while put(L5,G[r +:= ri,c +:= ci]) do {
while *L5 > 5 do pop(L5) # too long ?
if *L5 < 5 then next # too short ?
if M_Mvalid(L5,dir) then { # just right, but valid?
put(pool,M := morpionmove(dir,,[])) # add to pool of valid moves
every x := L5[i := 1 to *L5] do {
if /x.symbol then M.move := i
return pool
procedure ValidMove5T(L,dir) #: Succeed if L has valid dir move
local i,j
if *L ~= 5 then fail # wrong count
every (i := 0) +:= (/(!L).symbol,1)
if i ~= 1 then fail # more than 1 avail space
every (j := 0) +:= ( find(dir,(!L).direction), 1)
if j > 1 then fail # no overlap, =1 implies at an end
return # that's it!

procedure SetupM5Grid() #: construct 5T/D grid & cross
local G,r,c,s
every !(G := list(10)) := list(10) # Grid
every G[r := 1 to 10, c := 1 to 10] := morpioncell(,"",r,c) # Empties
every s := ![[1,4],[4,1],[4,7],[7,1],[7,7],[10,4]] do { # Cross
every r := s[1] & c := s[2] + (0 to 3) do
G[r,c] := morpioncell(XINIT,"",r,c)
every r := s[2] + (0 to 3) & c := s[1] do
G[r,c] := morpioncell(XINIT,"",r,c)
return morpiongame(G,[],[],0,0,1 + (*G-1)/2.) # Create game

procedure ExpandGrid(MG) #: expand any touching sides
local r,c,rn,cn,C
rn := *(G := MG.grid) # capture ...
cn := *G[1] # ... entry dimensions
if \(!G)[1].symbol then { # left edge
MG.coff +:= 1
every (cn | (!!G).col) +:= 1
every push(G[r := 1 to rn],morpioncell(,"",r,1))
if \(!G)[cn].symbol then { # right edge
cn +:= 1
every put(G[r := 1 to rn],morpioncell(,"",r,cn))
if \(!G[1]).symbol then { # top edge
MG.roff +:= 1
every (rn | (!!G).row) +:= 1
push(G,C := list(cn))
every C[c := 1 to cn] := morpioncell(,"",1,c)
if \(!G[rn]).symbol then { # bottom edge
rn +:= 1
put(G,C := list(cn))
every C[c := 1 to cn] := morpioncell(,"",rn,c)
return MG

procedure PrintGrid(MG) #: print the current Grid
G := MG.grid
write("\nMorphion Solitare Grid (move=",*(L := MG.log),"):\n")
every (ruler := " ") ||:= (1 to *G[1]) % 10
every r := 1 to *G do {
writes(right(r%100,2)," ")
every c := 1 to *(G[r]) do
writes(\G[r,c].symbol | XEMPTY)
return MG

procedure PrintLog(MG) #: print the log
printf("Move Log\n")
every printf("%i : %s\n",i := 1 to *MG.log,MG.log[i])

procedure FormatMoveLog(M,roff,coff) #: format a log entry
every /(roff|coff) := 0
log := sprintf("\"%s\" [%i,%i] : ",
every x := !M.line do
log ||:= sprintf("[%i,%i] ",x[1]-roff,x[2]-coff)
return log

procedure RandomPlayer(MG) #: Simulate random player
if MG.move := ?ScanGrid(MG).pool then return MG

procedure Scorefail(MG);end #: dummy always fails</lang>
== Strategy Support ==
<lang Unicon># Not yet complete </lang>
== Interface & Parameters ==
<lang Unicon>procedure Usage()
Morphion [options] Plays the 5T variant of Morphion Solitaire\n_
Arguments : ")
every fprintf(&errout," %s",!M_CommandLine)
Morphion [options] Plays the 5T variant of Morphion Solitaire\n_
Where options are:\n_
\t\t\tn=2 shows all boards and a log of all moves (every game)\n_
\t\t\tn=1 shows a log of the moves and final board (default single game)\n_
\t\t\tn=0 produces no per game output (default for multigames)\n_
\t-A <a> choose player strategy approach (default=random)\n_
\t-SW <n> Search width (strategy dependent)\n_
And where these options affect multigame simulations:\n_
\t-S <n> runs n games (e.g. -S10) and shows summary of all runs and the board and log for the best result_
\t\tnote for larger n this benefits from larger BLKSIZE, STRSIZE environment variables\n_
\t-UN <n> Give status update notifications every n simulations\n_
\t-B <n> Keep best n games of unique length (default 5)\n_
\t-W <n> Keep worst n games of unique length (default 3)\n_
\t-RF\tfile containing game record to be replayed\n_
\t-RN\tnumber of moves to replay (0=all)\n_
\t-L|-limit\tgames to play (if 0 or less then play until any of 'XxQq' is pressed\n_
\t-?|-h|-help\tthis help text")

procedure MorpionConf(A) # Configure the Solver
M_CommandLine := copy(A) # preserve
os := "-Q! -L+ -limit+ -P+ -print+ -R! -replay! -RF: -RN+ -save! "
os ||:= "-UN+ -SW+ -SD+ -A: -E+ -B+ -W+"
opt := options(A,os,Usage) # -<anything else> gets help
M_Limit := \opt["limit"|"L"] | 1
M_GameSave := opt["save"]
M_PrintOpt := (0|1|2) = \opt["P"|"print"]
/M_PrintOpt := \M_Limit === 1 | 0
if \opt["R"|"replay"] then {
M_ReplayFile := \opt["RF"] | "Games/177-5T-rosin.txt"
M_ReplayAfter := (0 < \opt["RN"]) | &null
else M_ReplayFile := &null
M_Strategy := case opt["A"] of {
"A1" : (def_un := 50, PlayerA1)
default : (def_un := 500, RandomPlayer)
M_StatUpd := (0 < \opt["UN"]) | def_un
M_BestL := (0 < \opt["B"]) | 5
M_WorstL := (0 < \opt["W"]) | 0
M_SrchWid := (0 < \opt["SW"]) | 5
M_SrchDep := (0 < \opt["SD"]) | 5
M_Eval := case opt["E"] of {
"0" : Scorefail
default : Score1 # also 1
c := sprintf("# --- Morpion Solitaire 5 (v%s) ---\n#\n",MORPVER)
c ||:= "# Command line options :"
every c ||:= " " || !A
c ||:= "\n# Summary of Morpion Configuration:\n"
c ||:= sprintf("# Variant (5T/5D) move validation = %i\n",M_Mvalid := ValidMove5T)
c ||:= sprintf("# Games to play = %s\n",(0 < M_Limit) | "* unlimited *")
c ||:= sprintf("# Print (0=none,1=minimal,2=all) = %i\n",M_PrintOpt)
c ||:= sprintf("# Games will be saved = %s\n",\M_SaveGame)
c ||:= "# Multi-game options:\n"
c ||:= sprintf("# - Status Updates = %i\n",M_StatUpd)
c ||:= sprintf("# - Keep best = %i\n",M_BestL)
c ||:= sprintf("# - Keep worst = %i\n",M_WorstL)
c ||:= "# Replaying\n"
c ||:= sprintf("# - Load recorded game file = %i\n",\M_ReplayFile | "* None *")
c ||:= sprintf("# - Moves to replay = %i\n",0 ~= \M_ReplayAfter)
c ||:= sprintf("# Player Strategy = %i\n",M_Strategy)
c ||:= sprintf("# - Play Evaluator = %i\n",M_Eval)
c ||:= sprintf("# - Search Width (strategy dependant) = %i\n",M_SrchWid)
c ||:= sprintf("# - Search Depth (strategy dependant) = %i\n",M_SrchDep)
c ||:= "#\n# Running:\n"
M_Config := c
if \opt["Q"] then stop(M_Config,"-Q Stops run after processing options")
else write(M_Config)
== Multigame Simulation and Monitoring Support ==
<lang Unicon>procedure MultiSimMorphion(N) #: Simulate N games
etime := -&time
scores := table(n := 0)
every bestL|worstL := []
if N <= 0 then N := "unlimited"
repeat {
if n >= numeric(N) then break else n +:= 1
scores[*(mg := PlayMorphion5T()).log] +:= 1
mg.count := n # game number
if short := ( /short | *(\short).log >= *mg.log, mg) then {
push(worstL,short) # keep worst
if *worstL > M_WorstL then pull(worstL)
if long := ( /long | *(\long).log <= *mg.log, mg) then {
put(bestL,long) # keep best
if *bestL > M_BestL then get(bestL)
printf("Longest game %i after %i simulations.\n",*long.log,n)
fprintf(&errout,"\r%i of %s simulations, long=%i (%s)",
if (n % M_StatUpd) = 0 then # show we're alive and working
fprintf(&errout,"\r%i of %s simulations, long=%i (%s)",
if kbhit() & getch() == !"QqXx" then # exit if any q/x
break fprintf(&errout,"\nExiting after %i simulations.\n",n)
etime +:= &time
avg := 0.0
short := key(scores) \ 1 # 1 key only
every i := key(scores) do { # summarize stats
short >:= i
avg +:= i * scores[i]
printf("\nResults from Sample of %i games of Morpion 5T:\n",n)
printf("Shortest game was %i moves.\n",short)
printf("Average game was %i moves.\n",avg /:= n)
printf("Longest game was %i moves.\n",*long.log)
printf("Average time/game is %i ms.\n",etime/real(n))
GraphScores(scores) # graph results
printf("\nLongest (%i) Game(s):\n",M_BestL)
every x := !reverse(bestL) do { # show longest game(s) and log
printf("\nShortest (%i) Game(s):\n",M_WorstL)
every x := !worstL do { # show longest game(s) and log
MemUsage() # diagnostic

$define CHARTW 80 # chart width
$define CHARTG 20 # size of chart buckets

procedure GraphScores(S) #: graph results
chart := []
every s := key(S) do { # by score
n := s/CHARTG+1 # chunks of ...
until chart[n] do put(chart,0) # grow chart to need
chart[n] +:= S[s]
s := (1 < max!chart/CHARTW | 1) # scale
printf("\nSummary of Results every '*' = %d games\n",s)
every n := 1 to *chart do
printf("%3d | (%6d) %s\n",(n-1)*CHARTG,chart[n],repl("*",chart[n]/s))

procedure MemUsage() #: monitor usage
printf("\nTotal run time = %i ms\n",&time)
printf("&allocated (Total,static,string,block) : ")
every printf(" %i",&allocated) ; printf("\n")
printf("&collections (Total,static,string,block) : ")
every printf(" %i",&collections) ; printf("\n")
printf("&regions ( - , - ,string,block) : ")
every printf(" %s","-"|&regions) ; printf("\n")
printf("&storage ( - , - ,string,block) : ")
every printf(" %s","-"|&storage) ; printf("\n\n")
== Game Reloader/Replayer ==
<lang Unicon>procedure ReplayMorpion() #: Handle recorded games
Replayer(M := ReadMoveLog(M_ReplayFile)) # read game and save data
if /M_ReplayAfter | (M_ReplayAfter > *M) then {
printf("Single game replay\n")
M_Strategy := Replayer
else { # truncation replay
G := (MG := SetupM5Grid()).grid # start new grid
while MorphionMove(Replayer(MG)) do
if *MG.history = M_ReplayAfter then # play until move
(SetupM5Grid := ReSetupM5Grid)(MG) # replace procedure and set grid
if M_Limit === 1 then
PlayMorphion5T() # single game
MultiSimMorphion(M_Limit) # simulate many games from here

procedure ReSetupM5Grid(MG) #: Used to override initial setup
static MGB
if MGB := \MG then return # 'set' partial game if arg
else return deepcopy(MGB) # otherwise return a new copy

procedure Replayer(MG) #: feed replayed moves
static ML,radj,cadj
if type(MG[1]) == "MorpionGameRecord" then return ML := MG
if not ScanGrid(MG) then fail
x := get(ML) | fail
if x.ref = 0 then x := get(ML) | fail
xr := x.row + MG.roff # adjust for expansion
xc := x.col + MG.coff
pool := []
every m := !MG.pool do {
mr := m.line[m.move,1]
mc := m.line[m.move,2]
if xr=mr & xc=mc then
if MG.move := pool[*pool = 1] then # is move unique ?
return MG
else # no - need to disambiguate
if /(x.darow|x.dacol) then {
printf("Ambiguous position at move #%i with %i choices\n_
Need unique disambiguation, syntax: n:r,c^r,c\n",*MG.log+1,*pool)
every m := !pool do
printf(" %s\n",FormatMoveLog(m,MG.roff,MG.coff))
else {
dr := x.darow + MG.roff # adjust for expansion
dc := x.dacol + MG.coff
every p := ((m := !pool).line)[1|5] do
if p[1] = dr & p[2] = dc then {
MG.move := m
return MG
printf("No Match found to disambiguate move #%i\n",*MG.log+1)
every m := !pool do
printf(" %s\n",FormatMoveLog(m,MG.roff,MG.coff))

record MorpionGameRecord(ref,row,col,darow,dacol)

procedure ReadMoveLog(fn) #: Read a move log
printf("Reading recorded game from: %s\n",fn)
f := open(fn,"r") | stop("Unable to open file ",fn," for read.")
M := []
while b := trim(read(f)) do {
if b ? ="$end" then break # allow pre-mature end of file
b := deletec(b,' \t')
b ?:= tab(find("#")|0)
until *b = 0 do {
x := MorpionGameRecord()
b ?:= ( x.ref := integer(tab(many(&digits))),=":", # base
x.row := integer(=!["-","+",""]||tab(many(&digits))),=",",
x.col := integer(=!["-","+",""]||tab(many(&digits))),
tab(0)) |
stop(&output,"Syntax error in line above.")
if b ?:= ( ="^", tab(0)) then { # disamb
b ?:= ( x.darow := integer(=!["-","+",""]||tab(many(&digits))),=",",
x.dacol := integer(=!["-","+",""]||tab(many(&digits))),
tab(0)) |
stop(&output,"Syntax error in line above (disamiguation).")
b ?:= ( =(";"|""), tab(0) )
return sortf(M,1)

procedure WriteMoveLog(MG) #: write out a re-readable move log
savegame := sprintf("Games/%i-L%i",*MG.history,M_Limit)
if M_Limit ~= 1 then
savegame ||:= sprintf("(%i)",MG.count)
if \M_ReplayFile then {
M_ReplayFile ? (="Games/", savegame ||:= "-RF" || tab(find(".txt")))
savegame ||:= "-RN" || (0 < M_ReplayAfter)
savegame ||:= sprintf("_%s-%s.txt",deletec(&date,'/'),deletec(&clock,':'))
c := sprintf( "#\n# Game Record for Morphion 5T game of %i moves\n_
# Reference: %s\n_
# Syntax for recorded games:\n_
# 1. whitespace and comments (everything past #) are ignored\n_
# 2. moves may be ; or newline separated\n_
# 3. moves are formatted (using BNF style variables like <x>):\n_
# <movenumber>:<row>,<col>[^<drow>,<dcol>]\n_
# The optional drow/dcol values provide an additional point\n_
# used to disambiguate moves. The point drow/dcol must be\n_
# chosen at one end of the line.\n_
# Moves are applied in sorted order.\n_
# 4. all row/col coordinates are relative to the 1,1 origin\n_
# located at the intersection of the lines containing the\n_
# top and left most edges of the cross.\n#\n",*MG.history,savegame)
every m := MG.history[i := 1 to *MG.history] do {
e := m.move ~= (1|5)
/l := ""
l ||:= sprintf("%i:%i,%i^%i,%i;",
if *l > 70 then {
c ||:= l || "\n"
l := &null
c ||:= \l || "\n"
if \M_GameSave then {
f := open(savegame,"w") | stop("Unable to open ",savegame," for writing")

{{libheader|Icon Programming Library}}
[ printf.icn provides formatting]
[ strings.icn provides deletec]
[ options.icn provides options processing]
<br/>'''Other RosettaCode pages used''' [[DeepCopy]]


Revision as of 21:50, 4 February 2012

Using random play in many summary runs, the highest score achieved was 90. While it was fairly easy to push random games into the low 80's running simulations of as little as a few hundred games, going beyond the highest score will require some very long runs and is unlikely to result in any significant progress.

The program is structured to allow its behaviour to be configured (see M_ vars) to do multi-game simulations and try out strategies. It was a first cut/test bed designed more to understand and explore the problem space rather than for high efficiency.

The grid is automatically expanded as needed whenever a cell is played on an outer edge. When this happens only the affected side is expanded. As a side effect the grid numbering will seem unusual. The game log shows all row/col coordinates relative to the 1,1 origin located at the intersection of the lines containing top and left most edges of the cross.

Extensions/features include:

  • Play single games or run multigame simulations to find and capture the best games
  • Read/write a game record and ability to replay a game to the end or to a specific move
  • Save a game
  • Use a plugable scoring/evaluation procedure at each move (for heuristics)
  • Limit initial random moves to 1 of 3 cases (inside/outside corner, outside valley) not 1 of 28

For more see: Morpion -h|-help


  • The seeds of success are sown early, as random play from a truncated position in a known good game produces good results
  • Random play suggests that things are advance fairly quickly before a position gets choked. Many runs hit their mark in the first 5-10k. A few require more (e.g 50K).

Core Morpion Routines

<lang Unicon>link printf,strings,options

$define MORPVER "1.7" # version

procedure main(A) # Morphion

  if \M_ReplayFile then ReplayMorpion() 
  else if \M_limit === 1 then PlayMorphion5T()
  else MultiSimMorphion(\M_Limit)


record morpioncell(symbol,direction,row,col) # a grid cell record morpionmove(direction,move,line) # move & line record morpiongame(grid,log,history,roff,coff,center,pool,move,count) # all game data

global M_Strategy,M_Eval,M_Mvalid # Pluggable procedures global M_CommandLine,M_Config,M_PrintOpt,M_GameSave # Misc. global M_Limit,M_StatUpd,M_BestL,M_WorstL # Multi-game simulation options global M_SrchWid,M_SrchDep # For strategy modules global M_ReplayFile,M_ReplayAfter # For game replay

$define XEMPTY "." # symbols used in Grid $define XINIT "*" $define XUSED "+"

$define DHOR "-" # Directions for moves $define DVER "|" $define DRD "\\" $define DLD "/"

procedure PlayMorphion5T() #: Play a 5T game

  G := (MG := SetupM5Grid()).grid                 # start new game
  if M_PrintOpt = 1 then PrintGrid(MG)
  pg := if M_PrintOpt == 2 then PrintGrid else 1 
  while MorphionMove(M_Strategy(pg(MG)))          # keep moving     
  if M_PrintOpt = 1 then PrintGrid(MG)  
  if M_PrintOpt > 0 then {
  return MG


procedure MorphionMove(MG) #: make a move

  put(MG.history,M := MG.move)  
  log := FormatMoveLog(M,MG.roff,MG.coff)
  log ||:= sprintf(" - of %i choices.",*MG.pool)  # append # choices  
  log ||:= sprintf(" Metric=%i",M_Eval(MG))       # append score (opt)
  put(MG.log,log)                                 # log the move
  every x := !M.line do {                         # draw the line 
     g := MG.grid[x[1],x[2]]
     g.direction ||:= M.direction       
     /g.symbol := XUSED                           # remove / for all XUSED


procedure ScanGrid(MG) #: Scan all grid lines

  G := ExpandGrid(MG).grid                        # expand the grid if needed
  MG.pool := []                                   # candidate moves   
  every c := 1 & r := 1 to *G do                  # horizontal
  every r := 1 & c := 1 to *G[1] do               # vertical
  every ( c := 1 & r := 1 to *G-4 ) |
        ( c := 2 to *G[r := 1] ) do               # down & right
  every ( r := 2 to *G-4 & c := *G[r] ) |
        ( c := 5 to *G[r := 1] ) do               # down & left
  if *MG.history = 0 & M_Strategy ~=== Replayer then {  # move 1 special case
     every put(pool1 := [], MG.pool[1|16|28])     # keep i/o corner, o valley
     MG.pool := pool1       
  if *MG.pool > 0 then return MG                 


procedure ScanGridLine(G,r0,c0,ri,ci,dir,pool) #: scan 1 grid line (5T)

  local L5,M,r,c,x
  L5 := []                          
  r := r0 - ri & c := c0 -ci                      # one step back
  while put(L5,G[r +:= ri,c +:= ci]) do {          
     while *L5 > 5 do pop(L5)                     # too long ? 
     if *L5 < 5 then next                         # too short ?
     if M_Mvalid(L5,dir) then {                   # just right, but valid?
        put(pool,M := morpionmove(dir,,[]))       # add to pool of valid moves               
        every x := L5[i := 1 to *L5] do  {
           if /x.symbol then M.move := i
  return pool


procedure ValidMove5T(L,dir) #: Succeed if L has valid dir move

  local i,j
  if *L ~= 5 then fail                      # wrong count
  every (i := 0) +:= (/(!L).symbol,1)  
  if i ~= 1 then fail                       # more than 1 avail space
  every (j := 0) +:= ( find(dir,(!L).direction), 1) 
  if j > 1 then fail                        # no overlap, =1 implies at an end
  return                                    # that's it!


procedure SetupM5Grid() #: construct 5T/D grid & cross

  local G,r,c,s
  every !(G := list(10)) := list(10)                          # Grid
  every G[r := 1 to 10, c := 1 to 10] := morpioncell(,"",r,c) # Empties  
  every s := ![[1,4],[4,1],[4,7],[7,1],[7,7],[10,4]] do {     # Cross
     every r := s[1] & c := s[2] + (0 to 3) do
        G[r,c] := morpioncell(XINIT,"",r,c)    
     every r := s[2] + (0 to 3) & c := s[1] do         
        G[r,c] := morpioncell(XINIT,"",r,c)    
  return morpiongame(G,[],[],0,0,1 + (*G-1)/2.)               # Create game


procedure ExpandGrid(MG) #: expand any touching sides

  local r,c,rn,cn,C
  rn := *(G := MG.grid)                     # capture ...
  cn := *G[1]                               # ... entry dimensions
  if \(!G)[1].symbol then {                 # left edge  
     MG.coff +:= 1   
     every (cn | (!!G).col) +:= 1
     every push(G[r := 1 to rn],morpioncell(,"",r,1))  
  if \(!G)[cn].symbol then  {               # right edge
     cn +:= 1   
     every put(G[r := 1 to rn],morpioncell(,"",r,cn))  
  if \(!G[1]).symbol then {                 # top edge
     MG.roff +:= 1
     every (rn | (!!G).row) +:= 1
     push(G,C := list(cn))
     every C[c := 1 to cn] := morpioncell(,"",1,c)     
  if \(!G[rn]).symbol then {                # bottom edge
     rn +:= 1
     put(G,C := list(cn)) 
     every C[c := 1 to cn] := morpioncell(,"",rn,c)  
  return MG


procedure PrintGrid(MG) #: print the current Grid

  G := MG.grid
  write("\nMorphion Solitare Grid (move=",*(L := MG.log),"):\n")
  every (ruler := "   ") ||:= (1 to *G[1]) % 10                      
  every r :=  1 to *G do {
     writes(right(r%100,2)," ")                                  
     every c := 1 to *(G[r]) do 
        writes(\G[r,c].symbol | XEMPTY)    
  return MG


procedure PrintLog(MG) #: print the log

  printf("Move Log\n")
  every printf("%i : %s\n",i := 1 to *MG.log,MG.log[i])


procedure FormatMoveLog(M,roff,coff) #: format a log entry

  every /(roff|coff) := 0
  log := sprintf("\"%s\" [%i,%i] : ",
  every x := !M.line do                           
     log ||:= sprintf("[%i,%i] ",x[1]-roff,x[2]-coff)       
  return log


procedure RandomPlayer(MG) #: Simulate random player

  if MG.move := ?ScanGrid(MG).pool then return MG


procedure Scorefail(MG);end #: dummy always fails</lang>

Strategy Support

<lang Unicon># Not yet complete </lang>

Interface & Parameters

<lang Unicon>procedure Usage()

     Morphion [options]  Plays the 5T variant of Morphion Solitaire\n_ 
     Arguments : ")
  every fprintf(&errout," %s",!M_CommandLine)
     Morphion [options]  Plays the 5T variant of Morphion Solitaire\n_ 
     Where options are:\n_
     \t\t\tn=2   shows all boards and a log of all moves (every game)\n_
     \t\t\tn=1   shows a log of the moves and final board (default single game)\n_
     \t\t\tn=0   produces no per game output (default for multigames)\n_
     \t-A <a>  choose player strategy approach (default=random)\n_
     \t-SW <n> Search width (strategy dependent)\n_
     And where these options affect multigame simulations:\n_
     \t-S <n>  runs n games (e.g. -S10) and shows summary of all runs and the board and log for the best result_
     \t\tnote for larger n this benefits from larger BLKSIZE, STRSIZE environment variables\n_ 
     \t-UN <n> Give status update notifications every n simulations\n_
     \t-B <n>  Keep best n games of unique length (default 5)\n_
     \t-W <n>  Keep worst n games of unique length (default 3)\n_
     \t-RF\tfile containing game record to be replayed\n_
     \t-RN\tnumber of moves to replay (0=all)\n_
     \t-L|-limit\tgames to play (if 0 or less then play until any of 'XxQq' is pressed\n_
     \t-?|-h|-help\tthis help text")


procedure MorpionConf(A) # Configure the Solver

  M_CommandLine := copy(A)                        # preserve
  os := "-Q! -L+ -limit+ -P+ -print+ -R! -replay! -RF: -RN+ -save! "
  os ||:= "-UN+ -SW+ -SD+ -A: -E+ -B+ -W+"
  opt := options(A,os,Usage)                      # -<anything else> gets help
  M_Limit     := \opt["limit"|"L"] | 1 
  M_GameSave  := opt["save"]   
  M_PrintOpt  := (0|1|2) = \opt["P"|"print"]   
  /M_PrintOpt := \M_Limit === 1 | 0  
  if \opt["R"|"replay"] then {
     M_ReplayFile   := \opt["RF"]       | "Games/177-5T-rosin.txt"
     M_ReplayAfter  := (0 < \opt["RN"]) | &null
  else M_ReplayFile   := &null   
  M_Strategy := case opt["A"] of {                    
     "A1"     :  (def_un := 50,  PlayerA1) 
     default  :  (def_un := 500, RandomPlayer)
  M_StatUpd      := (0 < \opt["UN"]) | def_un   
  M_BestL        := (0 < \opt["B"])  | 5  
  M_WorstL       := (0 < \opt["W"])  | 0    

  M_SrchWid      := (0 < \opt["SW"]) | 5   
  M_SrchDep      := (0 < \opt["SD"]) | 5         
  M_Eval := case opt["E"] of { 
     "0"       :  Scorefail
     default   :  Score1         # also 1  
  c := sprintf("# --- Morpion Solitaire 5 (v%s) ---\n#\n",MORPVER)  
  c ||:= "# Command line options :"
  every c ||:= " " || !A
  c ||:=         "\n# Summary of Morpion Configuration:\n"  
  c ||:= sprintf("#   Variant (5T/5D) move validation     = %i\n",M_Mvalid := ValidMove5T)    
  c ||:= sprintf("#   Games to play                       = %s\n",(0 < M_Limit) | "* unlimited *")
  c ||:= sprintf("#   Print (0=none,1=minimal,2=all)      = %i\n",M_PrintOpt)   
  c ||:= sprintf("#   Games will be saved                 = %s\n",\M_SaveGame)
  c ||:=         "#   Multi-game options:\n"
  c ||:= sprintf("#   - Status Updates                    = %i\n",M_StatUpd) 
  c ||:= sprintf("#   - Keep best                         = %i\n",M_BestL)   
  c ||:= sprintf("#   - Keep worst                        = %i\n",M_WorstL)  
  c ||:=         "#   Replaying\n"
  c ||:= sprintf("#   - Load recorded game file           = %i\n",\M_ReplayFile | "* None *")   
  c ||:= sprintf("#   - Moves to replay                   = %i\n",0 ~= \M_ReplayAfter)    
  c ||:= sprintf("#   Player Strategy                     = %i\n",M_Strategy)  
  c ||:= sprintf("#   - Play Evaluator                    = %i\n",M_Eval)    
  c ||:= sprintf("#   - Search Width (strategy dependant) = %i\n",M_SrchWid)   
  c ||:= sprintf("#   - Search Depth (strategy dependant) = %i\n",M_SrchDep)     
  c ||:=         "#\n# Running:\n"
  M_Config := c
  if \opt["Q"] then stop(M_Config,"-Q Stops run after processing options")
  else write(M_Config)


Multigame Simulation and Monitoring Support

<lang Unicon>procedure MultiSimMorphion(N) #: Simulate N games

     etime := -&time 
     scores := table(n := 0) 
     every bestL|worstL  := []     
     if N <= 0 then N := "unlimited"         
     repeat {
        if n >= numeric(N) then break else n +:= 1     
        scores[*(mg := PlayMorphion5T()).log] +:= 1 
        mg.count := n                          # game number
        if short := ( /short | *(\short).log >= *mg.log, mg) then {   
           push(worstL,short)                  # keep worst 
           if *worstL > M_WorstL then pull(worstL)
        if long := ( /long | *(\long).log <= *mg.log, mg) then {     
           put(bestL,long)                     # keep best
           if *bestL > M_BestL then get(bestL)
           printf("Longest game %i after %i simulations.\n",*long.log,n)
           fprintf(&errout,"\r%i of %s simulations, long=%i (%s)",
        if (n % M_StatUpd) = 0 then    # show we're alive and working
           fprintf(&errout,"\r%i of %s simulations, long=%i (%s)",
        if kbhit() & getch() == !"QqXx" then   # exit if any q/x
           break fprintf(&errout,"\nExiting after %i simulations.\n",n)  
     etime +:= &time   
     avg := 0.0
     short := key(scores) \ 1                  # 1 key only
     every i := key(scores) do {               # summarize stats
        short >:= i
        avg +:= i * scores[i]
     printf("\nResults from Sample of %i games of Morpion 5T:\n",n)
     printf("Shortest game was %i moves.\n",short)
     printf("Average game was %i moves.\n",avg /:= n)
     printf("Longest game was %i moves.\n",*long.log)
     printf("Average time/game is %i ms.\n",etime/real(n))
     GraphScores(scores)              # graph results
     printf("\nLongest (%i) Game(s):\n",M_BestL)
     every x := !reverse(bestL) do {  # show longest game(s) and log
     printf("\nShortest (%i) Game(s):\n",M_WorstL) 
     every x := !worstL do {          # show longest game(s) and log
     MemUsage()                       # diagnostic        


$define CHARTW 80 # chart width $define CHARTG 20 # size of chart buckets

procedure GraphScores(S) #: graph results

  chart := []
  every s := key(S) do {              # by score 
     n := s/CHARTG+1                  # chunks of ...
     until chart[n] do put(chart,0)   # grow chart to need
     chart[n] +:= S[s]
  s := (1 < max!chart/CHARTW | 1)     # scale 
  printf("\nSummary of Results every '*' = %d games\n",s)
  every n := 1 to *chart do 
     printf("%3d | (%6d) %s\n",(n-1)*CHARTG,chart[n],repl("*",chart[n]/s))


procedure MemUsage() #: monitor usage

     printf("\nTotal run time = %i ms\n",&time)
     printf("&allocated   (Total,static,string,block) : ")
     every printf(" %i",&allocated) ;  printf("\n")      
     printf("&collections (Total,static,string,block) : ")
     every printf(" %i",&collections) ;  printf("\n")
     printf("&regions     ( -   , -    ,string,block) : ")
     every printf(" %s","-"|&regions) ;  printf("\n")          
     printf("&storage     ( -   , -    ,string,block) : ")
     every printf(" %s","-"|&storage) ;  printf("\n\n")         


Game Reloader/Replayer

<lang Unicon>procedure ReplayMorpion() #: Handle recorded games

  Replayer(M := ReadMoveLog(M_ReplayFile))  # read game and save data 
  if /M_ReplayAfter | (M_ReplayAfter > *M) then {
     printf("Single game replay\n")
     M_Strategy := Replayer  
  else {                                    # truncation replay  
     G := (MG := SetupM5Grid()).grid        # start new grid
     while MorphionMove(Replayer(MG)) do 
        if *MG.history = M_ReplayAfter then # play until move
     (SetupM5Grid := ReSetupM5Grid)(MG)     # replace procedure and set grid
     if M_Limit === 1 then 
        PlayMorphion5T()                    # single game
        MultiSimMorphion(M_Limit)           # simulate many games from here


procedure ReSetupM5Grid(MG) #: Used to override initial setup

  static MGB 
  if MGB := \MG then return              # 'set' partial game if arg
  else return deepcopy(MGB)              # otherwise return a new copy


procedure Replayer(MG) #: feed replayed moves static ML,radj,cadj

  if type(MG[1]) == "MorpionGameRecord" then return ML := MG
  if not ScanGrid(MG) then fail
  x := get(ML) | fail
  if x.ref = 0 then x := get(ML) | fail
  xr := x.row + MG.roff                  # adjust for expansion
  xc := x.col + MG.coff      
  pool := []
  every m := !MG.pool do {
     mr := m.line[m.move,1]  
     mc := m.line[m.move,2]
     if xr=mr & xc=mc then 
  if MG.move := pool[*pool = 1] then     # is move unique ?
     return MG   
  else                                   # no - need to disambiguate 
     if /(x.darow|x.dacol) then {
        printf("Ambiguous position at move #%i with %i choices\n_
                Need unique disambiguation, syntax: n:r,c^r,c\n",*MG.log+1,*pool)
        every m := !pool do 
           printf("   %s\n",FormatMoveLog(m,MG.roff,MG.coff))                 
     else { 
        dr := x.darow + MG.roff          # adjust for expansion
        dc := x.dacol + MG.coff       
        every p := ((m := !pool).line)[1|5] do
           if p[1] = dr & p[2] = dc then {
              MG.move := m
              return MG
        printf("No Match found to disambiguate move #%i\n",*MG.log+1)
        every m := !pool do 
           printf("   %s\n",FormatMoveLog(m,MG.roff,MG.coff))  


record MorpionGameRecord(ref,row,col,darow,dacol)

procedure ReadMoveLog(fn) #: Read a move log

  printf("Reading recorded game from: %s\n",fn)
  f := open(fn,"r") | stop("Unable to open file ",fn," for read.")
  M := []
  while b := trim(read(f)) do {               
     if b ? ="$end" then break           # allow pre-mature end of file
     b := deletec(b,' \t')
     b ?:= tab(find("#")|0)    
     until *b = 0 do {     
        x := MorpionGameRecord()
        b ?:= ( x.ref := integer(tab(many(&digits))),=":",            # base
                x.row := integer(=!["-","+",""]||tab(many(&digits))),=",",
                x.col := integer(=!["-","+",""]||tab(many(&digits))), 
                tab(0)) |
           stop(&output,"Syntax error in line above.")
        if b ?:= ( ="^", tab(0)) then {                               # disamb
           b ?:= ( x.darow := integer(=!["-","+",""]||tab(many(&digits))),=",",
                   x.dacol := integer(=!["-","+",""]||tab(many(&digits))), 
                   tab(0)) |
              stop(&output,"Syntax error in line above (disamiguation).")
        b ?:=  ( =(";"|""), tab(0) )                                    
  return sortf(M,1)


procedure WriteMoveLog(MG) #: write out a re-readable move log

  savegame := sprintf("Games/%i-L%i",*MG.history,M_Limit)
  if M_Limit ~= 1 then 
     savegame ||:= sprintf("(%i)",MG.count)
  if \M_ReplayFile then {
     M_ReplayFile ? (="Games/", savegame ||:= "-RF" || tab(find(".txt")))
     savegame ||:= "-RN" || (0 < M_ReplayAfter)
  savegame ||:= sprintf("_%s-%s.txt",deletec(&date,'/'),deletec(&clock,':'))
  c := sprintf( "#\n# Game Record for Morphion 5T game of %i moves\n_
                 # Reference: %s\n_
                 # Syntax for recorded games:\n_
                 #   1.  whitespace and comments (everything past #) are ignored\n_
                 #   2.  moves may be ; or newline separated\n_
                 #   3.  moves are formatted (using BNF style variables like <x>):\n_
                 #           <movenumber>:<row>,<col>[^<drow>,<dcol>]\n_
                 #       The optional drow/dcol values provide an additional point\n_ 
                 #       used to disambiguate moves.  The point drow/dcol must be\n_
                 #       chosen at one end of the line.\n_    
                 #       Moves are applied in sorted order.\n_
                 #   4.  all row/col coordinates are relative to the 1,1 origin\n_ 
                 #       located at the intersection of the lines containing the\n_
                 #       top and left most edges of the cross.\n#\n",*MG.history,savegame)          
  every m := MG.history[i := 1 to *MG.history] do {
     e := m.move ~= (1|5)
     /l := ""
     l ||:= sprintf("%i:%i,%i^%i,%i;",
     if *l > 70 then {
        c ||:= l || "\n"
        l := &null
     c ||:= \l || "\n"
  if \M_GameSave then {
     f := open(savegame,"w") | stop("Unable to open ",savegame," for writing")


printf.icn provides formatting strings.icn provides deletec options.icn provides options processing
Other RosettaCode pages used DeepCopy
