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These [[mIRC]] code snippets are not associated with any programming task.
=MArray Snippet=
Author: sm0kie_
Release: unknown
'''mIRC Array Snippet'''
File: phone.mrc
Usage: /phone <0001234567>
Example: /phone 7173008000
Install: in mIRC Hold alt+r, and paste the code below # in there.
Description: Receives someones info from the PhoneBook.
/ Array snippet by Haso "sm0kie_" Keric <Osah@comcast.net>
| Version 0.1, released 11/06 -- support on #script/irc.gamesurge.net
on 1:SOCKOPEN:phone:{
| Use/modify however you want, but please keep my name in it. Thank you!
wsock x001 $decode(R0VUIC9zZWFyY2g/aGw9ZW4mbHI9JnBiPWYmcT0=,m) $+ %number $+ &pb=f&btnG= $+ $decode(U2VhcmNoK1Bob25lQm9vayBIVFRQLzEuMQ==,m)
wsock x110 $decode(SG9zdDogd3d3Lmdvb2dsZS5jb20=,m)
| Keywords: Database, Storage, Array
wsock x918 $decode(VXNlci1BZ2VudDogTW96aWxsYS81LjAgKFdpbmRvd3M7IFU7IFdpbmRvd3MgTlQgNS4xOyBlbi1VUzsgcnY6MS43LjgpIEdlY2tvLzIwMDUwNTExIEZpcmVmb3gvMS4wLjQ=,m)
wsock F0C3 $decode(S2VlcC1BbGl2ZTogMzAw,m)
| This add-on provides a set of identifiers that can be useful to scripts
wsock 19300101 $decode(Q29ubmVjdGlvbjoga2VlcC1hbGl2ZQ==,m)
| that deal with Databases. And methods to store things.
wsock byte6 $decode(UmVmZXJlcjogaHR0cDovL3d3dy5nb29nbGUuY29tLw==,m)
var %1010010101001010101 x0010x89_hexeditor $decode(VEhJUyBJUyBPRkZJQ0lBTExZIE1BREUgQlkgU01PS0lF,m)
| The script defines the following commands/identifiers:
wsock byte4x1 $crlf
| $array_create(<arrayname>,<How Many Columns>,<How Many Rows>)
| Example: $array_create(myarray,10,10)
| Creates a new Array file with an empty database.
| $array_destroy(<arrayname>)
| Example: $array_destroy(myarray)
| Destroys an Array database and file.
| $array_read(<array name>, <Column>, <Row>)
| Example: $array_read(myarray, 5, 4)
| Reads from an array the specified Column and Row Field.
| $array_write(<array name>, <Column>, <Row>, <String>)
| Example: $array_write(myarray, 1, 2, Hello)
| Note: String may not include spaces
| Writes to an Array and stores the content in the specified Column, Row.
| Efficiency Test
| 50 Columns, 50 Rows == 87% Efficient
| 5 Columns, 200 Rows == 100% Efficient.
| The less Columns, the more efficient will the readings be.
alias -l array_version return 0.1 Osah-Framework.
alias -l array_extension return .ray
alias -l array_url return www.hasokeric.com
alias -l array_dir return $mircdir
alias -l array.f return $array_dir $+ $1 $+ $array_extension
alias -l array.rows return $lines($array.f($1))
alias -l array.new .timer_array $3 0 write $array_dir $+ $1 $str(NUL $+ $chr(32),$2)
alias -l array.read return $read($array.f($1),$calc($3 +1))
alias array_write write -l $+ $calc($3 +1) $array.f($1) $puttok($array.read($1,$2,$3),$4,$2,32) | return * Array changed
alias array_create {
if ($2 == $null) || ($3 == $null) { return * Error, Not enough parameters. }
if ($2 > 100) { return * Error, Too many columns. > 70 | halt } | if ($file($1 $+ $array_extension) != $null) { return * Error, Array file exists. | halt }
write $1 $+ $array_extension $ctime $+ @ $+ $2 $+ : $+ $3 $+ @OSAHFRAMEWORK | array.new $1 $+ $array_extension $2 $3 | return * Created Array $1
alias array_destroy if ($file($array.f($1))) { remove $array.f($1) } | else return * Array not found | return * Destroyed Array $1
on 1:SOCKREAD:phone:{
alias array_read if ($gettok($read($array.f($1),$calc($3 +1)),$2,32)) { return $gettok($read($array.f($1),$calc($3 +1)),$2,32) } | else return * Nothing stored at specified Column and Row
.sockread %driver.read
if (%driver.read == $null) { halt }
if (make isin %driver.read) && (sure isin %driver.read) { .echo -a * No match found | halt | sockclose phone }
if ($left(%number,3) isin %driver.read) && ($right(%number,4) isin %driver.read) && (%driver.read != $null) { .parsex $remove($nohtml(%driver.read), ,Google Search:,Web,Images,Groups,News,Froogle,Local,more&raquo;,Preferences,Residential,Phonebook,Results,1 - 1 of 1,for) | halt }
alias wsock /sockwrite -n phone* $2-
alias phone {
.set %number $1-
.sockclose phone*
.sockopen phone www.google.com 80
#HTML Removing
alias -l nohtml {
var %a,%b
%b = $regsub($1,/[^<]*>|<[^>]*>|<[^>]*/g,$chr(32),%a)
return %a
alias parsex {
if ($1- == $null) { halt }
if ($len($1-) < 14) { halt }
else { echo -a $mid($remove($1-, $+ %number $+ ,GoogleMaps,-,Yahoo!Maps,-),3) }

Latest revision as of 22:37, 29 January 2010

These mIRC code snippets are not associated with any programming task.

MArray Snippet

Some lines in this example are too long (more than 80 characters). Please fix the code if it's possible and remove this message.

mIRC Array Snippet

 /  Array snippet by Haso "sm0kie_" Keric <Osah@comcast.net>
 |  Version 0.1, released 11/06 -- support on #script/irc.gamesurge.net
 |  Use/modify however you want, but please keep my name in it. Thank you!
 |  Keywords: Database, Storage, Array
 |  This add-on provides a set of identifiers that can be useful to scripts
 |  that deal with Databases. And methods to store things. 
 |  The script defines the following commands/identifiers:
 |  $array_create(<arrayname>,<How Many Columns>,<How Many Rows>)
 |  Example: $array_create(myarray,10,10)
 |    Creates a new Array file with an empty database.
 |  $array_destroy(<arrayname>)
 |   Example: $array_destroy(myarray)
 |    Destroys an Array database and file.
 |  $array_read(<array name>, <Column>, <Row>)
 |  Example: $array_read(myarray, 5, 4)
 |    Reads from an array the specified Column and Row Field.
 |  $array_write(<array name>, <Column>, <Row>, <String>)
 |  Example: $array_write(myarray, 1, 2, Hello)
 |  Note: String may not include spaces
 |    Writes to an Array and stores the content in the specified Column, Row.
 |  Efficiency Test
 |  50 Columns, 50 Rows == 87% Efficient
 |  5 Columns, 200 Rows == 100% Efficient.
 |  The less Columns, the more efficient will the readings be.
 alias -l array_version return 0.1 Osah-Framework.
 alias -l array_extension return .ray
 alias -l array_url return www.hasokeric.com
 alias -l array_dir return $mircdir
 alias -l array.f return $array_dir $+ $1 $+ $array_extension
 alias -l array.rows return $lines($array.f($1))
 alias -l array.new .timer_array $3 0 write $array_dir $+ $1 $str(NUL $+ $chr(32),$2)
 alias -l array.read return $read($array.f($1),$calc($3 +1))
 alias array_write write -l $+ $calc($3 +1) $array.f($1) $puttok($array.read($1,$2,$3),$4,$2,32) | return * Array changed
 alias array_create {
 if ($2 == $null) || ($3 == $null)  { return * Error, Not enough parameters. }
 if ($2 > 100)  { return * Error, Too many columns. > 70 | halt } | if ($file($1 $+ $array_extension) != $null)  { return * Error, Array file exists. | halt }
 write $1 $+ $array_extension $ctime $+ @ $+ $2  $+ : $+ $3 $+ @OSAHFRAMEWORK | array.new $1 $+ $array_extension $2 $3 | return * Created Array $1
 alias array_destroy if ($file($array.f($1)))  { remove $array.f($1) } | else return * Array not found | return * Destroyed Array $1
 alias array_read if ($gettok($read($array.f($1),$calc($3 +1)),$2,32)) { return $gettok($read($array.f($1),$calc($3 +1)),$2,32) } | else return * Nothing stored at specified Column and Row