Knapsack problem/Bounded/Go test

From Rosetta Code

Simple test and benchmark for Knapsack_problem/Bounded#Go. <lang go>package main

import ( "reflect" "testing" )

func TestSol(t *testing.T) { //v, w, s := choose(400, len(items)-1, make(map[key]*Solution)) v, w, s := Chooser{Items: items}.Choose(400) if e := 1010; v != e { t.Errorf("got value %d, expected %d", v, e) } if e := 396; w != e { t.Errorf("got weight %d, expected %d", w, e) } exSol := []int{1, 1, 1, 0, 2, 0, 3, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0} if !reflect.DeepEqual(s, exSol) { t.Errorf("got s\t%v,\n\texpected\t%v", s, exSol) } }

func BenchmarkSol(b *testing.B) { b.ReportAllocs() for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ { //choose(400, len(items)-1, make(map[key]*Solution)) Chooser{Items: items}.Choose(400) } }</lang>

% go test -bench=.
BenchmarkSol	    1000	   2266833 ns/op	 1587854 B/op	    3013 allocs/op
ok  	rosetta/kp_bounded	2.507s

If you're unfamiliar with using benchmarks within go tests:

  • Put the above into a *_test.go file in the same directory as the *.go file from Knapsack_problem/Bounded#Go (and with no other Go source files)
  • Get and build benchcmp if you don't already have it: "go get -v"
  • Run go test -v -bench=. > bench.out.orig (or go test -bench=. | tee bench.out.orig or some such)
  • Make changes as desired
  • Re-run the benchmark this time saving the output to a different file, e.g. bench.out
  • Compare the results with "benchcmp bench.out{.orig,}" (or if your shell doesn't support "{}", with something like "benchcmp bench.out.orig bench.out")

For example, when I changed the code to use a struct as a map key instead of a string, the output was:

% go test -bench=. | tee bench.out && benchcmp bench.out{.orig,}
BenchmarkSol	    1000	   2919580 ns/op	 1885978 B/op	   12239 allocs/op
ok  	rosetta/kp_bounded	3.221s
benchmark        old ns/op     new ns/op     delta
BenchmarkSol     6929766       2919580       -57.87%

benchmark        old allocs     new allocs     delta
BenchmarkSol     16963          12239          -27.85%

benchmark        old bytes     new bytes     delta
BenchmarkSol     1963326       1885978       -3.94%