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AI is really not that clever but it gets its job done (well, pretty much!).
AI is really not that clever but it gets its job done (well, pretty much!).

Revision as of 15:33, 18 January 2020

Go Fish/C++ is part of Go_Fish. You may find other members of Go_Fish at Category:Go_Fish.

AI is really not that clever but it gets its job done (well, pretty much!).

It follows three simple rules:

  • 75% the times it remembers cards asked by its opponent, and asks for the first one it also has.
  • ask for a card it fished in the last round, if its different from all its other cards
  • cycles thru all its cards, asking for them.

As I said, simple...


<lang cpp>

  1. include <time.h>
  2. include <map>
  3. include <vector>
  4. include <algorithm>
  5. include <string>
  6. include <iostream>

const std::string s = "CDHS", v = "A23456789TJQK"; const int handCards = 9, drawCards = 3;

class card { public:

   friend std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream& os, const card& c ) { 
       os << v[c.val] << s[c.suit]; 
       return os;
   bool isValid()                       { return val > -1; }
   void set( char s, char v )           { suit = s; val = v; }
   char getRank()                       { return v[val]; }
   bool operator == ( const char o )    { return v[val] == o; }
   bool operator < ( const card& a )    { if( val == a.val ) return suit < a.suit; return val < a.val; }


   char                                 suit, val;

}; class deck { public:

   static deck* instance() {
       if( !inst ) inst = new deck();
       return inst;
   void destroy() {
       delete inst;
       inst = 0;
   card draw() {
       card c;
       if( cards.size() > 0 ) { 
           c = cards.back();
           return c; 
       c.set( -1, -1 );
       return c;


   deck() { 
   void newDeck() {
       card c; 
       for( char s = 0; s < 4; s++ ) {
           for( char v = 0; v < 13; v++ ) {
               c.set( s, v ); 
               cards.push_back( c ); 
       random_shuffle( cards.begin(), cards.end() );
       random_shuffle( cards.begin(), cards.end() );
   static deck* inst;
   std::vector<card> cards;

}; class player { public:

   player( std::string n ) : nm( n ) { 
       for( int x = 0; x < handCards; x++ )
           hand.push_back( deck::instance()->draw() );
       sort( hand.begin(), hand.end() );  
   void outputHand() { 
       for( std::vector<card>::iterator x = hand.begin(); x != hand.end(); x++ ) 
           std::cout << ( *x ) << " ";
       std::cout << "\n"; 
   bool addCard( card c ) { 
       hand.push_back( c );
       return checkForBook();
   std::string name() { 
       return nm; 
   bool holds( char c ) { 
       return( hand.end() != find( hand.begin(), hand.end(), c ) ); 
   card takeCard( char c ) {
       std::vector<card>::iterator it = find( hand.begin(), hand.end(), c );
       std::swap( ( *it ), hand.back() );
       card d = hand.back();
       sort( hand.begin(), hand.end() ); 
       return d;
   size_t getBooksCount() {
       return books.size();
   void listBooks() {
       for( std::vector<char>::iterator it = books.begin(); it != books.end(); it++ )
           std::cout << ( *it ) << "'s ";
       std::cout << "\n";
   bool checkForBook() {
       bool ret = false;
       std::map<char, int> countMap;
       for( std::vector<card>::iterator it = hand.begin(); it != hand.end(); it++ )
           countMap[( *it ).getRank()]++;
       for( std::map<char, int>::iterator it = countMap.begin(); it != countMap.end(); it++ ) {
           if( ( *it ).second == 4 ) {
               do {
                   takeCard( ( *it ).first );
               } while( holds( ( *it ).first ) );
               books.push_back( ( *it ).first );
               ( *it ).second = 0;
               ret = true;
       sort( hand.begin(), hand.end() );
       return ret;
   bool hasCards() {
       if( hand.size() < 1 ) {
           card c;
           for( int x = 0; x < drawCards; x++ ) {
               c = deck::instance()->draw();
               if( c.isValid() ) addCard( c );
               else break;
       return( hand.size() > 0 );


   std::string nm; 
   std::vector<card> hand;
   std::vector<char> books;

}; class aiPlayer : public player { public:

   aiPlayer( std::string n ) : player( n ), askedIdx( -1 ), lastAsked( 0 ), nextToAsk( -1 ) { }
   void rememberCard( char c ) {
       if( asked.end() != find( asked.begin(), asked.end(), c ) || !asked.size() )
           asked.push_back( c );  
   char makeMove() {
       if( askedIdx < 0 || askedIdx >= static_cast<int>( hand.size() ) ) {
           askedIdx = rand() % static_cast<int>( hand.size() );
       char c;
       if( nextToAsk > -1 ) {
           c = nextToAsk;
           nextToAsk = -1;
       } else {
           while( hand[askedIdx].getRank() == lastAsked ) {
               if( ++askedIdx == hand.size() ) {
                   askedIdx = 0;
           c = hand[askedIdx].getRank();
           if( rand() % 100 > 25 && asked.size() ) {
               for( std::vector<char>::iterator it = asked.begin(); it != asked.end(); it++ ) {

if( holds( *it ) ) { c = ( *it ); break; } }

       lastAsked = c;
       return c;
   void clearMemory( char c ) {
       std::vector<char>::iterator it = find( asked.begin(), asked.end(), c );
       if( asked.end() != it ) {
           std::swap( ( *it ), asked.back() );
   bool addCard( card c ) {
       if( !holds( c.getRank() ) )
           nextToAsk = c.getRank();
       return player::addCard( c );


   std::vector<char> asked;
   char nextToAsk, lastAsked;
   int askedIdx;

}; class goFish { public:

   goFish() {
       plr = true; 
       std::string n; 
       std::cout << "Hi there, enter your name: "; std::cin >> n; 
       p1 = new player( n ); 
       p2 = new aiPlayer( "JJ" );
   ~goFish() { 
       if( p1 ) delete p1; 
       if( p2 ) delete p2;
   void play() {
       while( true ) {
           if( process( getInput() ) ) break;
       std::cout << "\n\n";
       if( p1->getBooksCount() > p2->getBooksCount() ) {
           std::cout << "\n\n\t*** !!! CONGRATULATIONS !!! ***\n\n\n";
       } else {
           std::cout << "\n\n\t*** !!! YOU LOSE - HA HA HA !!! ***\n\n\n";


   void showBooks() {
       if( p1->getBooksCount() > 0 ) {
           std::cout << "\nYour Book(s): ";
       if( p2->getBooksCount() > 0 ) {
           std::cout << "\nMy Book(s): ";
   void showPlayerCards() {
       std::cout << "\n\n" << p1->name() << ", these are your cards:\n";
   char getInput() {
       char c;
       if( plr ) {
           if( !p1->hasCards() ) return -1;
           std::string w;
           while( true ) {
               std::cout << "\nWhat card(rank) do you want? "; std::cin >> w;
               c = toupper( w[0] );
               if( p1->holds( c ) ) break; 
               std::cout << p1->name() << ", you can't ask for a card you don't have!\n\n"; 
       } else {
           if( !p2->hasCards() ) return -1;
           c = p2->makeMove();
           std::string r;
           std::cout << "\nDo you have any " << c << "'s? (Y)es / (G)o Fish ";
           do {
               std::getline( std::cin, r );
               r = toupper( r[0] );
           while( r[0] != 'Y' && r[0] != 'G' );
           bool hasIt = p1->holds( c );
           if( hasIt && r[0] == 'G' )
               std::cout << "Are you trying to cheat me?! I know you do...\n";
           if( !hasIt && r[0] == 'Y' )
               std::cout << "Nooooo, you don't have it!!!\n";
       return c;
   bool process( char c ) {
       if( c < 0 ) return true;
       if( plr ) p2->rememberCard( c );
       player *a, *b;
       a = plr ? p2 : p1;
       b = plr ? p1 : p2;
       bool r;
       if( a->holds( c ) ) {
           while( a->holds( c ) ) {
               r = b->addCard( a->takeCard( c ) );
           if( plr && r )p2->clearMemory( c );
       } else {
           plr = !plr;
       return false;
   void fish() {
       std::cout << "\n\n\t  *** GO FISH! ***\n\n";
       card c = deck::instance()->draw();
       if( plr ) {
           std::cout << "Your new card: " << c << ".\n\n******** Your turn is over! ********\n" << std::string( 36, '-' ) << "\n\n";
           if( p1->addCard( c ) ) p2->clearMemory( c.getRank() );
       } else {
           std::cout << "\n********* My turn is over! *********\n" << std::string( 36, '-' ) << "\n\n";
           p2->addCard( c );
   player        *p1;
   aiPlayer    *p2;
   bool        plr;

}; deck* deck::inst = 0; int main( int argc, char* argv[] ) {

   srand( static_cast<unsigned>( time( NULL ) ) ); 
   goFish f;  f.play(); 
   return 0;

} </lang>