Galton box animation: Difference between revisions

Added Perl example
(Add zig example)
(Added Perl example)
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Output shows of final state for a run with 50 coins.
{{trans|Perl 6}}
<lang perl>use strict;
use warnings;
use List::Util 'any';
use Time::HiRes qw(sleep);
use List::AllUtils <pairwise pairs>;
use utf8;
binmode STDOUT, ':utf8';
my $coins = shift || 100;
my $peg_lines = shift || 13;
my $row_count = $peg_lines;
my $peg = '^';
my @coin_icons = ("\N{UPPER HALF BLOCK}", "\N{LOWER HALF BLOCK}");
my @coins = (undef) x (3 + $row_count + 4);
my @stats = (0) x ($row_count * 2);
$coins[0] = 0; # initialize with first coin
while (1) {
my $active = 0;
# if a coin falls through the bottom, count it
$stats[$coins[-1] + $row_count]++ if defined $coins[-1];
# move every coin down one row
for my $line (reverse 1..(3+$row_count+3) ) {
my $coinpos = $coins[$line - 1];
#$coins[$line] = do if (! defined $coinpos) x
if (! defined $coinpos) {
$coins[$line] = undef
} elsif (hits_peg($coinpos, $line)) {
# when a coin from above hits a peg, it will bounce to either side.
$active = 1;
$coinpos += rand() < .5 ? -1 : 1;
$coins[$line] = $coinpos
} else {
# if there was a coin above, it will fall to this position.
$active = 1;
$coins[$line] = $coinpos;
# let the coin dispenser blink and turn it off if we run out of coins
if (defined $coins[0]) {
$coins[0] = undef;
} elsif (--$coins > 0) {
$coins[0] = 0
for (<0 1>) {
display_board(\@coins, \@stats, $_);
sleep .1;
exit unless $active;
sub display_board {
my($p_ref, $s_ref, $halfstep) = @_;
my @positions = @$p_ref;
my @stats = @$s_ref;
my $coin = $coin_icons[$halfstep];
my @board = do {
my @tmpl;
sub out {
my(@stuff) = split '', shift;
my @line;
push @line, ord($_) for @stuff;
push @tmpl, out(" " . " "x(2 * $row_count)) for 1..3;
my @a = reverse 1..$row_count;
my @b = 1..$row_count;
my @pairs = pairwise { ($a, $b) } @a, @b;
for ( pairs @pairs ) {
my ( $spaces, $pegs ) = @$_;
push @tmpl, out(" " . " "x$spaces . join(' ',($peg) x $pegs) . " "x$spaces);
push @tmpl, out(" " . " "x(2 * $row_count)) for 1..4;
my $midpos = $row_count + 2;
our @output;
# collect all the output and output it all at once at the end
sub printnl { my($foo) = @_; push @output, $foo . "\n" }
sub printl { my($foo) = @_; push @output, $foo }
# make some space above the picture
printnl("") for 0..9;
# place the coins
for my $line (0..$#positions) {
my $pos = $positions[$line];
next unless defined $pos;
$board[$line][$pos + $midpos] = ord($coin);
# output the board with its coins
for my $line (@board) {
printnl join '', map { chr($_) } @$line;
# show the statistics
my $padding = 0;
while (any {$_> 0} @stats) {
printl " ";
for my $i (0..$#stats) {
if ($stats[$i] == 1) {
printl "\N{UPPER HALF BLOCK}";
} elsif ($stats[$i] <= 0) {
printl " ";
$stats[$i] = 0
} else {
printl "\N{FULL BLOCK}";
$stats[$i]--; $stats[$i]--;
printnl("") for $padding..(10-1);
print join('', @output) . "\n";
sub hits_peg {
my($x, $y) = @_;
3 <= $y && $y < (3 + $row_count) and -($y - 2) <= $x && $x <= $y - 2
? not 0 == ($x - $y) % 2
: 0
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