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Line 84: Line 84:
STRING c = DECODE STRING( "|" + s[ i ] );
STRING c = DECODE STRING( "|" + s[ i ] );
REPR ( ABS c[ LWB c ] + 128 )
REPR ( ABS c[ LWB c ] + 128 )
i +:= 1
i +:= 1

Revision as of 20:42, 24 October 2023

GSTrans string conversion
You are encouraged to solve this task according to the task description, using any language you may know.

GSTrans string encoding is a method of encoding all 8-bit character values 0-255 with only printable characters. It originates on Acorn computers to allow command line commands to process non-printable characters.

 Character Encoding
 0-31      |letter eg |@, |A, |i |[ etc.
 32-126    character, except for:
 "         |"
 |         ||
 127       |?
 128-255   |! followed by encoding, eg |!|@ = 128

A string can be surrounded in quotes, eg "ALERT|G".



 |LHello|G|J|M       encodes  CHR$12;"Hello";CHR$7;CHR$10;CHR$13
 "|m|j|@|e|!t|m|!|?" encodes  13,10,0,5,244,13,255
  • Write two functions, one to encode a string of characters into a GSTrans string, and one to decode a GSTrans string. Indicate if any error checking is done, and how it is indicated.


As with the Wren sample includes the Julia test cases, but Algol 68 implementations don't generally handle UTF-8 so the Unicode characters are encoded as separate bytes.
This does very little error checking - so invalid coded strings will probably decode to incorrect values (but the input was incorrect anyway...).
Quoted strings retain their quotes when encoded or decoded. Control characters are shown as their decimal values, enclosed in "[" and "]"/

BEGIN # GSTrans string conversion                                            #
    OP   UNQUOTE = ( STRING s )STRING:                  # returns s unquoted #
         IF LWB s >= UPB s THEN s
         ELIF s[ LWB s ] /= """" OR s[ UPB s ] /= """" THEN s
         ELSE s[ LWB s + 1 : UPB s - 1 ]
         FI # UNQUOTE # ;
    OP   ENCODE = ( STRING str )STRING:                # returns str encoded #
            STRING result := "";
            STRING s       = UNQUOTE str;
            FOR i FROM LWB s TO UPB s DO
                INT c = ABS s[ i ];
                result +:= IF   c < 32 THEN
                                "|" + REPR ( c + 64 )
                           ELIF c = ABS """" OR c = ABS "|" THEN
                               "|" + s[ i ]
                           ELIF c >= 32 AND c <= 126 THEN
                                s[ i ]
                           ELIF c = 127 THEN
                                "|!" + ENCODE STRING( REPR( c - 128 ) )
            IF s /= str THEN """" + result + """" ELSE result FI
         END # ENCODE # ;
    OP   DECODE = ( STRING str )STRING:                # returns str decoded #
            STRING result := "";
            STRING s       = UNQUOTE str;
            INT i := LWB s;
            WHILE i <= UPB s DO
                result +:= IF   s[ i ] /= "|" THEN
                                s[ i ]
                           ELIF ( i +:= 1 ) > UPB s THEN
                           ELIF s[ i ] = """" OR s[ i ] = "|" THEN
                                s[ i ]
                           ELIF s[ i ] = "?" THEN
                                REPR 127
                           ELIF s[ i ] /= "!" THEN
                                REPR ( ABS s[ i ] - 64 )
                                i +:= 1;
                                IF   i > UPB s THEN
                                ELIF s[ i ] /= "|" THEN
                                    REPR ( ABS s[ i ] + 128 )
                                ELIF ( i +:= 1 ) > UPB s THEN
                                     STRING c = DECODE STRING( "|" + s[ i ] );
                                     REPR ( ABS c[ LWB c ] + 128 )
                  i +:= 1
            IF s /= str THEN """" + result + """" ELSE result FI
         END # DECODE # ;
    OP   SHOWBYTES = ( STRING s )STRING:  # return s with control characters #
         BEGIN                            # replaced by their value          #
            STRING result := "";
            FOR i FROM LWB s TO UPB s DO
                INT c = ABS s[ i ];
                result +:= IF c < 32 THEN
                               "[" + whole( c, 0 ) + "]"
                               s[ i ]
          END # SHOWBYTES # ;

    []STRING test = ( "ALERT|G",    "wert↑",       "@♂aN°$ª7Î"    # test cases #
                    , "ÙC▼æÔt6¤☻Ì", """@)Ð♠qhýÌÿ", "+☻#o9$u♠©A" # from Julia #
                    , "♣àlæi6Ú.é",  "ÏÔ♀È♥@ë",     "Rç÷\%◄MZûhZ"
                    , "ç>¾AôVâ♫↓P"
                    , REPR 12 + "Hello" + REPR 7 + REPR 10 + REPR 13 # Task test cases  #
                    , REPR 13 + REPR 10 + REPR 0 + REPR 5 + REPR 244 + REPR 13 + REPR 255
                    , """quoted|text"""                              # quoted test case #
    FOR i FROM LWB test TO UPB test DO
        STRING encoded = ENCODE test[ i ];
        STRING decoded = DECODE encoded;
        print( ( SHOWBYTES test[ i ], " -> ", encoded, " -> ", SHOWBYTES decoded
               , IF decoded = test[ i ] THEN "" ELSE " ****" FI, newline
wert↑ -> wert|!b|!|F|!|Q -> wert↑
@♂aN°$ª7Î -> @|!b|!|Y|!|BaN|!B|!0$|!B|!*7|!C|!|N -> @♂aN°$ª7Î
ÙC▼æÔt6¤☻Ì -> |!C|!|YC|!b|!|V|!<|!C|!&|!C|!|Tt6|!B|!$|!b|!|X|!;|!C|!|L -> ÙC▼æÔt6¤☻Ì
"@)Ð♠qhýÌÿ -> |"@)|!C|!|P|!b|!|Y|! qh|!C|!=|!C|!|L|!C|!? -> "@)Ð♠qhýÌÿ
+☻#o9$u♠©A -> +|!b|!|X|!;#o9$u|!b|!|Y|! |!B|!)A -> +☻#o9$u♠©A
♣àlæi6Ú.é -> |!b|!|Y|!#|!C|! l|!C|!&i6|!C|!|Z.|!C|!) -> ♣àlæi6Ú.é
ÏÔ♀È♥@ë -> |!C|!|O|!C|!|T|!b|!|Y|!|@|!C|!|H|!b|!|Y|!%@|!C|!+ -> ÏÔ♀È♥@ë
Rç÷\%◄MZûhZ -> R|!C|!'|!C|!7\%|!b|!|W|!|DMZ|!C|!;hZ -> Rç÷\%◄MZûhZ
ç>¾AôVâ♫↓P -> |!C|!'>|!B|!>A|!C|!4V|!C|!|"|!b|!|Y|!+|!b|!|F|!|SP -> ç>¾AôVâ♫↓P
[12]Hello[7][10][13] -> |LHello|G|J|M -> [12]Hello[7][10][13]
[13][10][0][5]ô[13]ÿ -> |M|J|@|E|!t|M|!|? -> [13][10][0][5]ô[13]ÿ
"quoted|text" -> "quoted||text" -> "quoted|text"


   10 REM >
   20 REM GSTrans in BASIC
   30 REM J.G.Harston
   40 :
   50 REPEAT
   60   INPUT LINE "GSstring: "A$
   70   A$=FNGS_Decode(A$,0)
   80   A$=FNGS_Encode(A$)
   90   PRINT A$
  110 END
  120 :
  130 :
  140 :
  150 REM Decode a GSTrans string
  160 REM On entry: inp$=GSTransed string
  170 REM           flg%=0 - parse whole string, *KEY style
  180 REM               =1 - parse until space, filename style (not implemented)
  190 REM Returns:  decoded string
  200 DEFFNGS_Decode(inp$,flg%)
  210 LOCAL out$,byte%,set%
  220 IF LEFT$(inp$,1)=" ":REPEAT:inp$=MID$(inp$,2):UNTIL LEFT$(inp$,1)<>" "
  230 IF LEFT$(inp$,1)="""":IF RIGHT$(inp$,1)="""":inp$=MID$(inp$,2,LENinp$-2)
  240 IF inp$="":=""
  250 REPEAT
  260   byte%=-1:set%=0
  270   IF LEFT$(inp$,2)="|!":set%=128:inp$=MID$(inp$,3)
  280   IF LEFT$(inp$,1)="|":byte%=ASCMID$(inp$,2,1)AND31
  290   IF LEFT$(inp$,2)="||":byte%=ASC"|"
  300   IF LEFT$(inp$,2)="|?":byte%=127
  310   IF LEFT$(inp$,2)="|""":byte%=34
  320   IF LEFT$(inp$,2)="""""":byte%=34
  330   IF byte%<0:byte%=ASC(inp$):inp$=MID$(inp$,2) ELSE inp$=MID$(inp$,3)
  340   out$=out$+CHR$(set%+byte%)
  350 UNTIL inp$=""
  360 =out$
  370 :
  380 REM Encode into a GSTrans string
  390 REM On entry: inp$=raw string
  400 REM Returns:  GSTrans string
  410 DEFFNGS_Encode(inp$)
  420 LOCAL out$,byte%
  430 IF inp$="":=""""""
  440 REPEAT
  450   byte%=ASC(inp$):inp$=MID$(inp$,2)
  460   IF byte%>127:out$=out$+"|!":byte%=byte% AND 127
  470   IF byte%>31 AND byte%<>ASC"""" AND byte%<>ASC"|" AND byte%<>127:out$=out$+CHR$(byte%)
  480   IF byte%<32:out$=out$+"|"+CHR$(byte%+64)
  490   IF byte%=ASC"""":out$=out$+""""""
  500   IF byte%=ASC"|":out$=out$+"||"
  510   IF byte%=127:out$=out$+"|?"
  520 UNTIL inp$=""
  530 =""""+out$+""""
  540 :

No checks for string lengths is done. On decoding, invalid encodings are ignored and skipped, for instance |4 is decoded as 4.


ASCII code	Symbols used
0	        |@
1 - 26	    |letter eg |A (or |a) = ASCII 1, |M (or |m) = ASCII 13
27	        |[ or |{
28	        |\
29	        |] or |}
30	        |^ or |~
31	        |_ or |' (grave accent)
32 - 126	keyboard character, except for:
"	        |"
|	        ||
<	        |<
127	        |?
128 - 255	|!coded symbol eg ASCII 128 = |!|@ ASCII 129 = |!|A

See also


    To avoid Unicode multibyte glitches, handle as vector of Chars, but we throw 
    an assertion error if any are multibyte (so, 0 <= integer value of char <= 255).
function GSTrans_encode(arr::Vector{Char})
    function GSTChar_encode(c::Char)
        i = Int(c)
        @assert 0 <= i <= 255 "Char value of $c, $i, is out of range"
        resultchars = Char[]
        if 0 <= i <= 31
            push!(resultchars, '|', Char(64 + i))
        elseif c == '"'
            push!(resultchars, '|', '"')
        elseif c == '|'
            push!(resultchars, '|', '|')
        elseif i == 127
            push!(resultchars, '|', '?')
        elseif 128 <= i <= 255 # |! then recurse after subtracting 128
            push!(resultchars, '|', '!', GSTChar_encode(Char(i - 128))...)
            push!(resultchars, c)
        return resultchars
    return String(mapreduce(GSTChar_encode, vcat, arr, init = Char[]))


    Encode after converting a potentially Unicode string to codeunit bytes and 
    then to a vector of ascii Chars, then pass this to encoding routine for the vector
GSTrans_encode(str::AbstractString) = GSTrans_encode(Char.(transcode(UInt8, str)))

function GSTrans_decode(str::AbstractString)
    result = UInt8[]
    gotbar, gotbang, bangadd = false, false, 0
    for c in str
        if gotbang
            if c == '|'
                bangadd = 128
                gotbar = true
                push!(result, Char(Int(c) + 128))
            gotbang = false
        elseif gotbar       
            if c == '?'
                push!(result, Char(127 + bangadd))
            elseif c == '!'
                gotbang = true
            elseif c == '|' || c == '"' || c == '<'
                push!(result, Char(Int(c) + bangadd))
            elseif c == '[' || c == '{'
                push!(result, Char(27 + bangadd))
            elseif c == '\\'
                push!(result, Char(28 + bangadd))
            elseif c == ']' || c == '}'
                push!(result, Char(29 + bangadd))
            elseif c == '^' || c == '~'
                push!(result, Char(30 + bangadd))
            elseif c == '_' || c == '`'
                push!(result, Char(31 + bangadd))
                push!(result, Char(Int(uppercase(c)) - 64 + bangadd))
            gotbar, bangadd = false, 0
        elseif c == '|'
                gotbar = true
            push!(result, Char(c))
    return String(result)

const TESTS = ["ALERT|G", "wert↑"]
const RAND_TESTS = [String(Char.(rand(0:255, 10))) for _ in 1:8]
const DECODE_TESTS = ["|LHello|G|J|M", "|m|j|@|e|!t|m|!|?"]

for t in [TESTS; RAND_TESTS]
    encoded = GSTrans_encode(t)
    decoded = GSTrans_decode(encoded)
    println("String $t encoded is: $encoded, decoded is: $decoded.")
    @assert t == decoded

for enc in DECODE_TESTS
    print("Encoded string $enc decoded is: ")
String ALERT|G encoded is: ALERT||G, decoded is: ALERT|G.
String wert↑ encoded is: wert|!b|!|F|!|Q, decoded is: wert↑.
String @♂aN°$ª7Î encoded is: @|KaN|!B|!0$|!B|!*7|!B|!|R|!C|!|N, decoded is: @♂aN°$ª7Î.
String ÙC▼æÔt6¤☻Ì encoded is: |!C|!|YC|_|!C|!&|!C|!|Tt6|!B|!$|B|!C|!|L, decoded is: ÙC▼æÔt6¤☻Ì.
String "@)Ð♠qhýÌÿ encoded is: |"@)|!C|!|P|Fqh|!C|!=|!C|!|L|!C|!?, decoded is: "@)Ð♠qhýÌÿ.
String +☻#o9$u♠©A encoded is: +|B#o9$u|F|!B|!)A, decoded is: +☻#o9$u♠©A.
String ♣àlæi6Ú.é encoded is: |E|!C|! l|!B|!|K|!C|!&i6|!C|!|Z.|!C|!), decoded is: ♣àlæi6Ú.é.
String ÏÔ♀È♥@ë encoded is: |!C|!|O|!C|!|T|!B|!|[|Lj|!C|!|H|C@|!B|!|I|!C|!+, decoded is: ÏÔ♀È♥@ë.
String Rç÷%◄MZûhZ encoded is: R|!C|!'|!C|!7%|QMZ|!C|!;hZ, decoded is: Rç÷%◄MZûhZ.
String ç>¾AôVâ♫↓P encoded is: |!C|!'>|!B|!>A|!C|!4V|!C|!|"|N|YP, decoded is: ç>¾AôVâ♫↓P.
Encoded string |LHello|G|J|M decoded is: "\fHello\a\n\r"
Encoded string |m|j|@|e|!t|m|!|? decoded is: "\r\n\0\x05\xf4\r\xff"


Strings in Wren are just an immutable array of bytes. They are usually interpreted as UTF-8 but don't have to be. Unicode characters in the example Julia strings are therefore encoded using their constituent UTF-8 bytes which decodes fine but may not give the same encoding as Julia itself.

If an invalid byte (following the "|" flag) is encountered whilst decoding, it is decoded as if the flag were not present.

Where strings contain control characters, their decoded version is printed to the terminal as a byte list.

class GSTrans {
    static encode(s, upper) {
        if (!(s is String && s.count > 0)) Fiber.abort("Argument must be a non-empty string.")

        // remove any outer quotation marks
        if (s.count > 1 && s[0] == "\"" && s[-1] == "\"") s = s[1..-2]

        // helper function to encode bytes < 128
        var f = { |b|
            if (b >= 1 && b <= 26) {
                return "|" + (upper ? String.fromByte(b + 64) : String.fromByte(b + 96))
            } else if (b < 32) {
                return "|" + String.fromByte(b + 64)
            } else if (b == 34)  { // quotation mark           
                return "|\""
            } else if (b == 60)  { // less than
                return "|<"
            } else if (b == 124) { // vertical bar
                return "||"
            } else if (b == 127) { // DEL
                return "|?"
            } else {
                return String.fromByte(b)

         var enc = ""

         // iterate through the string's bytes encoding as we go
         for (b in s.bytes) {
             if (b < 128) {
                enc = enc +
             } else {
                enc = enc + "|!" + - 128)

         return enc

    static decode(s) {
        if (!(s is String && s.count > 0)) Fiber.abort("Argument must be a non-empty string.")

        // remove any outer quotation marks
        if (s.count > 1 && s[0] == "\"" && s[-1] == "\"") s = s[1..-2]

        // helper function for decoding bytes after "|"
        var f = { |b|
            if (b == 34)                     { // quotation mark
                return 34
            } else if (b == 60)              { // less than
                return 60
            } else if (b == 63)              { // question mark
                return 127
            } else if (b >= 64 && b < 96)    { // @ + upper case letter + [\]^_
                return b - 64
            } else if (b == 96)              { // grave accent
                return 31
            } else if (b == 124)             { // vertical bar
                return 124
            } else if (b >= 97 && b < 127)   { // lower case letter + {}~
                return b - 96
            } else {
                return b

        var bytes = s.bytes.toList
        var bc = bytes.count
        var i = 0
        var dec = ""

        // iterate through the string's bytes decoding as we go
        while (i < bc) {
            if (bytes[i] != 124) {
                dec = dec + String.fromByte(bytes[i])
                i = i + 1
            } else {
                if (i < bc - 1 && bytes[i+1] != 33) {
                    dec = dec + String.fromByte([i+1]))
                    i = i + 2
                } else {
                    if (i < bc - 2 && bytes[i+2] != 124) {
                        dec = dec + String.fromByte(128 + bytes[i+2])
                        i = i + 3
                    } else if (i < bc - 3 && bytes[i+2] == 124) {
                        dec = dec + String.fromByte(128 +[i+3]))
                        i = i + 4 
                    } else {
                        i = i + 1
        return dec

var strings = [

var texts = [

var uppers = [true, false]

for (i in 0...strings.count) {
    var s = strings[i]
    var t = "\"" + texts[i] +"\""
    var u = uppers[i]
    var enc = GSTrans.encode(s, u)
    var dec = GSTrans.decode(enc)
    System.print("string: %(t)")
    System.print("encoded (%(u ? "upper" : "lower")) : %(enc)")
    System.print("decoded (as byte list): %(dec.bytes.toList)")
    System.print("string == decoded ? %(dec == s)\n")

var jstrings = [

System.print("Julia strings: string -> encoded (upper) <- decoded (same or different)\n")
for (s in jstrings) {
    var enc = GSTrans.encode(s, true)
    var dec = GSTrans.decode(enc)
    var same = (s == dec)
    System.print("  %(s) -> %(enc) <- %(dec) (%(same ? "same" : "different"))")
string: "\fHello\a\n\r"
encoded (upper) : |LHello|G|J|M
decoded (as byte list): [12, 72, 101, 108, 108, 111, 7, 10, 13]
string == decoded ? true

string: "\r\n\0\x05\xf4\r\xff"
encoded (lower) : |m|j|@|e|!t|m|!|?
decoded (as byte list): [13, 10, 0, 5, 244, 13, 255]
string == decoded ? true

Julia strings: string -> encoded (upper) <- decoded (same or different)

  ALERT|G -> ALERT||G <- ALERT|G (same)
  wert↑ -> wert|!b|!|F|!|Q <- wert↑ (same)
  @♂aN°$ª7Î -> @|!b|!|Y|!|BaN|!B|!0$|!B|!*7|!C|!|N <- @♂aN°$ª7Î (same)
  ÙC▼æÔt6¤☻Ì -> |!C|!|YC|!b|!|V|!|<|!C|!&|!C|!|Tt6|!B|!$|!b|!|X|!;|!C|!|L <- ÙC▼æÔt6¤☻Ì (same)
  "@)Ð♠qhýÌÿ -> |"@)|!C|!|P|!b|!|Y|! qh|!C|!=|!C|!|L|!C|!? <- "@)Ð♠qhýÌÿ (same)
  +☻#o9$u♠©A -> +|!b|!|X|!;#o9$u|!b|!|Y|! |!B|!)A <- +☻#o9$u♠©A (same)
  ♣àlæi6Ú.é -> |!b|!|Y|!#|!C|! l|!C|!&i6|!C|!|Z.|!C|!) <- ♣àlæi6Ú.é (same)
  ÏÔ♀È♥@ë -> |!C|!|O|!C|!|T|!b|!|Y|!|@|!C|!|H|!b|!|Y|!%@|!C|!+ <- ÏÔ♀È♥@ë (same)
  Rç÷%◄MZûhZ -> R|!C|!'|!C|!7%|!b|!|W|!|DMZ|!C|!;hZ <- Rç÷%◄MZûhZ (same)
  ç>¾AôVâ♫↓P -> |!C|!'>|!B|!>A|!C|!4V|!C|!|"|!b|!|Y|!+|!b|!|F|!|SP <- ç>¾AôVâ♫↓P (same)