Execute a system command: Difference between revisions

→‎{{header|UNIX Shell}}: Adding Visual Basic
(→‎{{header|UNIX Shell}}: Adding Visual Basic)
Line 403:
exec ls
=={{header|Visual Basic}}==
Shelling out a sub task in Visual Basic is rather a pain if you need to wait for the task to complete, which
is probably the usual case. But it is possible.
<VB>Attribute VB_Name = "mdlShellAndWait"
Option Explicit
Private Declare Function OpenProcess Lib "kernel32" _
(ByVal dwDesiredAccess As Long, ByVal bInheritHandle As Long, _
ByVal dwProcessId As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function GetExitCodeProcess Lib "kernel32" _
(ByVal hProcess As Long, lpExitCode As Long) As Long
Private Const STATUS_PENDING = &H103&
' Little function go get exit code given processId
Function ProcessIsRunning( processId as Long ) as Boolean
Dim exitCode as Long
Call GetExitCodeProcess(lProcessId, exitCode)
ProcessIsRunning = (exitCode = STATUS_PENDING)
End Function
' Spawn subprocess and wait for it to complete.
' I believe that the command in the command line must be an exe or a bat file.
' Maybe, however, it can reference any file the system knows how to "Open"
' commandLine is an executable.
' expectedDuration - is for poping up a dialog for whatever
' infoText - text for progressDialog dialog
Public Function ShellAndWait( commandLine As String, _
expectedDuration As Integer ) As Boolean
Dim inst As Long
Dim startTime As Long
Dim expirationTime As Long
Dim pid As Long
Dim expiresSameDay As Boolean
On Error GoTo HandleError
'Deal with timeout being reset at Midnight ($hitForBrains VB folks)
startTime = CLng(Timer)
expirationTime = startTime + expectedDuration
expiresSameDay = expirationTime < 86400
If Not expiresSameDay Then
expirationTime = expirationTime % 86400
End If
inst = Shell(commandLine, vbMinimizedNoFocus)
If inst <> 0 Then
pid = OpenProcess(PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION, False, inst)
Do While ProcessIsRunning( pid)
If Timer > expirationTime And (expiresSameDay Or Timer < startTime) Then
Exit Do
End If
ShellAndWait = True
MsgBox ("Couldn't execute command: " & commandLine)
ShellAndWait = False
End If
Exit Function
MsgBox ("Couldn't execute command: " & commandLine)
ShellAndWait = False
End Function
Sub SpawnDir()
ShellAndWait("dir", 10)
End Sub
Anonymous user