Category talk:OoRexx: Difference between revisions

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As mentioned, while editing code, there is no colouring on Rosetta, so there cannot be distraction from that. Editing code for examples should be in each author's personal environment anyway. Syntax colouring increases the status of a language - it is a fact that the wider known/used languages have colouring, the lesser known/used have not. This argument extends to PL/I which influenced Rexx and also deserves the same treatment - it seems unjustly devaluated by being shown in plain black-on-white.
On a typograhical note: if italics are bothering, and sometimes they do bother me also, most of the time the quality of the font is bad - some just use transformations of the roman glyphs and not separate italic forms, as they should. In particular, older windows versions are terrible. Changing the default font might help here. I find having the comments in italics, and preferablepreferably sea-green, isolates them in the right way from code and does not force me to re-read the comments all the time.
--[[User:rvjansen|Rene Jansen]]
I vote YES for syntax colouring as I've never seen anything else that makes code easier readable and in consequence more comprehensible especially to others. At this level I would describe syntax colouring as a no-brainer.
I understand that someone feels no need to use syntax highlighting for himself, but it should be clear that he'll do a favour to others by providing it. --[[User:DMacho|D.Macho]] 11:29, 11 June 2012 (UTC)
