Arithmetic evaluation: Difference between revisions

Added Nim implementation
(Added Nim implementation)
Line 3,656:
<pre>{"+", {"-", 1}, {"*", 2, {"-", 3, {"/", {"*", 4, {"-", 5}}, 6}}}}
{{works with|Nim|0.19.0}}
This implementation uses a Pratt parser.
<lang nim>import strutils
import os
# Lexer
TokenKind = enum
tokPlus = "+", tokMinus = "-", tokStar = "*", tokSlash = "/"
tokLPar, tokRPar
Token = object
case kind: TokenKind
of tokNumber: value: float
else: discard
proc lex(input: string): seq[Token] =
# Here we go through the entire input string and collect all the tokens into
# a sequence.
var pos = 0
while pos < input.len:
case input[pos]
of '0'..'9':
# Digits consist of three parts: the integer part, the delimiting decimal
# point, and the decimal part.
var numStr = ""
while pos < input.len and input[pos] in Digits:
if pos < input.len and input[pos] == '.':
while pos < input.len and input[pos] in Digits:
result.add(Token(kind: tokNumber, value: numStr.parseFloat()))
of '+': inc(pos); result.add(Token(kind: tokPlus))
of '-': inc(pos); result.add(Token(kind: tokMinus))
of '*': inc(pos); result.add(Token(kind: tokStar))
of '/': inc(pos); result.add(Token(kind: tokSlash))
of '(': inc(pos); result.add(Token(kind: tokLPar))
of ')': inc(pos); result.add(Token(kind: tokRPar))
of ' ': inc(pos)
else: raise newException(ArithmeticError,
"Unexpected character '" & input[pos] & '\'')
# We append an 'end' token to the end of our token sequence, to mark where the
# sequence ends.
result.add(Token(kind: tokEnd))
# Parser
ExprKind = enum
Expr = ref object
case kind: ExprKind
of exprNumber: value: float
of exprBinary:
left, right: Expr
operator: TokenKind
proc `$`(ex: Expr): string =
# This proc returns a lisp representation of the expression.
case ex.kind
of exprNumber: $ex.value
of exprBinary: '(' & $ex.operator & ' ' & $ex.left & ' ' & $ex.right & ')'
# The input to the program is provided via command line parameters.
tokens = lex(commandLineParams().join(" "))
pos = 0
# This table stores the precedence level of each infix operator. For tokens
# this does not apply to, the precedence is set to 0.
const Precedence: array[low(TokenKind)..high(TokenKind), int] = [
tokNumber: 0,
tokPlus: 1,
tokMinus: 1,
tokStar: 2,
tokSlash: 2,
tokLPar: 0,
tokRPar: 0,
tokEnd: 0
# We use a Pratt parser, so the two primary components are the prefix part, and
# the infix part. We start with a prefix token, and when we're done, we continue
# with an infix token.
proc parse(prec = 0): Expr
proc parseNumber(token: Token): Expr =
result = Expr(kind: exprNumber, value: token.value)
proc parseParen(token: Token): Expr =
result = parse()
if tokens[pos].kind != tokRPar:
raise newException(ArithmeticError, "Unbalanced parenthesis")
proc parseBinary(left: Expr, token: Token): Expr =
result = Expr(kind: exprBinary, left: left, right: parse(),
operator: token.kind)
proc parsePrefix(token: Token): Expr =
case token.kind
of tokNumber: result = parseNumber(token)
of tokLPar: result = parseParen(token)
else: discard
proc parseInfix(left: Expr, token: Token): Expr =
case token.kind
of tokPlus, tokMinus, tokStar, tokSlash: result = parseBinary(left, token)
else: discard
proc parse(prec = 0): Expr =
# This procedure is the heart of a Pratt parser, it puts the whole expression
# together into one abstract syntax tree, properly dealing with precedence.
var token = tokens[pos]
result = parsePrefix(token)
while prec < Precedence[tokens[pos].kind]:
token = tokens[pos]
if token.kind == tokEnd:
# When we hit the end token, we're done.
result = parseInfix(result, token)
let ast = parse()
proc `==`(ex: Expr): float =
# This proc recursively evaluates the given expression.
result =
case ex.kind
of exprNumber: ex.value
of exprBinary:
case ex.operator
of tokPlus: ==ex.left + ==ex.right
of tokMinus: ==ex.left - ==ex.right
of tokStar: ==ex.left * ==ex.right
of tokSlash: ==ex.left / ==ex.right
else: 0.0
# In the end, we print out the result.
echo ==ast</lang>
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