Arithmetic Evaluator/Go: Difference between revisions

From Rosetta Code
Content added Content deleted
m (Both examples work with Go 1. Library example needed a small tweak to match the API.)
(→‎Library: remove non-working error case)
Line 270: Line 270:
"go", // a valid keyword, not valid in an expression.
"go", // a valid keyword, not valid in an expression.
"3@7", // error message is "illegal character."
"3@7", // error message is "illegal character."
"7D3", // the parser error message is a little strange here.
"", // EOF seems a reasonable error message.
"", // EOF seems a reasonable error message.
Line 343: Line 342:
go: 1:1: expected operand, found 'go'
go: 1:1: expected operand, found 'go'
3@7: 1:2: illegal character U+0040 '@'
3@7: 1:2: illegal character U+0040 '@'
7D3: 1:2: expected 'EOF', found 'IDENT' D3
: 1:1: expected operand, found 'EOF'
: 1:1: expected operand, found 'EOF'

Revision as of 17:48, 17 June 2013

Operator precedence parser

This is an operator precedence parser. The number format used in calculation can be changed with the line "type Number int".

<lang go>package main

import (



/* ==== AST ==== */

type Number float64

type Node interface {

  Eval() (Number,bool)


// Binary operator AST node type Binary struct {

  op byte
  left Node
  right Node


func (n *Binary) Init(op byte, left, right Node) Node {

  n.op = op
  n.left = left
  n.right = right
  return n


func (n *Binary) Eval() (Number,bool) {

  left, ok := n.left.Eval()
  if !ok { return 0, false }
  right, ok := n.right.Eval()
  if !ok { return 0, false }
  switch n.op {
     case '+': return left + right, true
     case '-': return left - right, true
     case '*': return left * right, true
     case '/':
        if right == 0 { return 0, false }
        return left / right, true
  return 0, false


func (n *Binary) String() string {

  return fmt.Sprintf("(%s %c %s)", n.left, n.op, n.right)


// Leaf value AST node type Leaf struct {

  value Number


func (n *Leaf) Init(value Number) Node {

  n.value = value
  return n


func (n *Leaf) Eval() (Number,bool) {

  return n.value,true


func (n *Leaf) String() string {

  return fmt.Sprintf("%v", n.value)  // %v = default format


/* ==== Lexer ==== */

type Lexer struct {

  data string
  pos int
  Kind int
  Num Number
  Oper byte


const (

  ERR = iota  // error
  NUM         // number
  LPAR        // left parenthesis
  RPAR        // right parenthesis
  OP          // operator


func (lexer *Lexer) Init(data string) *Lexer { = data
  lexer.pos = 0
  return lexer


func (l *Lexer) Next() int {

  n := len(
  l.Kind = ERR
  if l.pos < n {
     switch char :=[l.pos]; char {
        case '+', '-', '*', '/':
           l.Kind = OP
           l.Oper = char
        case '(':
           l.Kind = LPAR
           l.Oper = char
        case ')':
           l.Kind = RPAR
           l.Oper = char
        case '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '.':
           var value Number = 0
           var divisor Number = 1
           for ; l.pos < n && '0' <=[l.pos] &&[l.pos] <= '9'; l.pos++ {
              value = value * 10 + Number([l.pos] - '0')
           if l.pos < n &&[l.pos] == '.' {
              for ; l.pos < n && '0' <=[l.pos] &&[l.pos] <= '9'; l.pos++ {
                 value = value * 10 + Number([l.pos] - '0')
                 divisor *= 10
           l.Kind = NUM
           l.Num = value / divisor
  return l.Kind


/* ==== Parser ==== */

type Parser struct {

  lexer *Lexer
  precedence map[byte] int


func (p *Parser) Init(data string) *Parser {

  p.lexer = new(Lexer).Init(data)
  p.precedence = make(map[byte] int)
  return p


func (p *Parser) AddOperator(op byte, precedence int) {

  p.precedence[op] = precedence


func (p *Parser) Parse() (Node,bool) {

  lhs, ok := p.parsePrimary()
  if !ok { return nil, false }
  // starting with 1 instead of 0, because
  // map[*]int returns 0 for non-existant items
  node, ok := p.parseOperators(lhs, 1)
  if !ok { return nil, false }
  return node, true


func (p *Parser) parsePrimary() (Node,bool) {

  switch p.lexer.Kind {
     case NUM:
        node := new(Leaf).Init(p.lexer.Num)
        return node, true
     case LPAR:
        node, ok := p.Parse()
        if (!ok) { return nil, false }
        if p.lexer.Kind == RPAR { p.lexer.Next() }
        return node, true
  return nil, false


func (p *Parser) parseOperators(lhs Node, min_precedence int) (Node,bool) {

  var ok bool
  var rhs Node
  for p.lexer.Kind == OP && p.precedence[p.lexer.Oper] >= min_precedence {
     op := p.lexer.Oper
     rhs, ok = p.parsePrimary()
     if (!ok) { return nil, false }
     for p.lexer.Kind == OP && p.precedence[p.lexer.Oper] > p.precedence[op] {
        op2 := p.lexer.Oper
        rhs, ok = p.parseOperators(rhs, p.precedence[op2])
        if (!ok) { return nil, false }
     lhs = new(Binary).Init(op,lhs,rhs)
  return lhs, true


/* ==== Test ==== */

func main() {

  var node Node
  var result Number
  var p *Parser
  var parseOk, evalOk bool
  in := bufio.NewReader(os.Stdin)
  line, ioErr := in.ReadString('\n')
  for len(line) > 0 {
     line = strings.TrimSpace(line)
     fmt.Printf("Read: %q\n", line)  // %q = quoted string
     p = new(Parser).Init(line)
     node, parseOk = p.Parse()
     if parseOk {
        fmt.Printf("Parsed: %s\n", node)
        result, evalOk = node.Eval()
        if evalOk {
           fmt.Printf("Evaluated: %v\n", result)  // %v = default format
        } else {
           fmt.Printf("%s = Evaluation error\n", line)
     } else {
        fmt.Printf("%s = Syntax error\n", line)
     if ioErr != nil { return }
     line, ioErr = in.ReadString('\n')

} </lang>


Read: "1+2*3"
Parsed: (1 + (2 * 3))
Evaluated: 7
Read: "(1+2)*(3+4)*(5+6)"
Parsed: (((1 + 2) * (3 + 4)) * (5 + 6))
Evaluated: 231

External links


Shown here is use of the package go/parser in the standard library. For the Go 1 release, there is a parser in the standard library, but not an evaluator. Evaluation is relatively easy though, once you have a parse tree.

Go expressions can be more complex than what is required for the task. These will parse but then are caught and disallowed in the evaluator. <lang go>package main

import (



var tests = []string{

   "(1+3)*7", // 28, example from task description.
   "1+3*7",   // 22, shows operator precedence.
   "7",       // 7, a single literal is a valid expression.
   "7/3",     // eval only does integer math.
   "7.3",     // this parses, but we disallow it in eval.
   "7^3",     // parses, but disallowed in eval.
   "go",      // a valid keyword, not valid in an expression.
   "3@7",     // error message is "illegal character."
   "",        // EOF seems a reasonable error message.


func main() {

   for _, exp := range tests {
       if r, err := parseAndEval(exp); err == nil {
           fmt.Println(exp, "=", r)
       } else {
           fmt.Printf("%s: %v\n", exp, err)


func parseAndEval(exp string) (int, error) {

   tree, err := parser.ParseExpr(exp)
   if err != nil {
       return 0, err
   return eval(tree)


func eval(tree ast.Expr) (int, error) {

   switch n := tree.(type) {
   case *ast.BasicLit:
       if n.Kind != token.INT {
           return unsup(n.Kind)
       i, _ := strconv.Atoi(n.Value)
       return i, nil
   case *ast.BinaryExpr:
       switch n.Op {
       case token.ADD, token.SUB, token.MUL, token.QUO:
           return unsup(n.Op)
       x, err := eval(n.X)
       if err != nil {
           return 0, err
       y, err := eval(n.Y)
       if err != nil {
           return 0, err
       switch n.Op {
       case token.ADD:
           return x + y, nil
       case token.SUB:
           return x - y, nil
       case token.MUL:
           return x * y, nil
       case token.QUO:
           return x / y, nil
   case *ast.ParenExpr:
       return eval(n.X)
   return unsup(reflect.TypeOf(tree))


func unsup(i interface{}) (int, error) {

   return 0, errors.New(fmt.Sprintf("%v unsupported", i))

}</lang> Output:

(1+3)*7 = 28
1+3*7 = 22
7 = 7
7/3 = 2
7.3: FLOAT unsupported
7^3: ^ unsupported
go: 1:1: expected operand, found 'go'
3@7: 1:2: illegal character U+0040 '@'
: 1:1: expected operand, found 'EOF'