99 Bottles of Beer/Java/Object Oriented

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Another solution for 99 Bottles of Beer, which in addition correctly handles the grammar. This solution is object-oriented. It is completely overkill for this problem.

<lang java> /*************************

* Interface for things. *

interface Thing {

   String singular();
   String plural();



* Containers. *
Containers are things which can contain other things. The
following class makes any thing into a container. The container
class is actually a decorator which makes any thing into a
container. Note that the contained thing is actually mutable,
even if the container is not. Note that the container can only
contain a single thing; if it shall contain several things, make
it contain a collection instead. */

class Container implements Thing {

   /** The format gives the name. %self% is replaced by the containing
    *  object's name (in proper pluralization), %contained% is
    *  replaced by the contained object's name. */
   private final String format;
   private final Thing self;
   private final Thing containedThing;
   public Container(String fmt, Thing what, Thing contained) {
       format = fmt;
       self = what;
       containedThing = contained;
   public String singular() {
       return format.replace("%self%", self.singular())
           .replace("%contained%", containedThing.singular());
   public String plural() {
       return format.replace("%self%", self.plural())
           .replace("%contained%", containedThing.singular());



* A collection of equal things. *
In the context of this program, a collection of things is again
considered a single thing.
This is a concrete class. */

class EqualCollection implements Thing {

   private int countOfThings;
   private final Thing typeOfThing;
   public EqualCollection(int count, Thing what) {
       countOfThings = count;
       typeOfThing = what;
   /** get singular. The singular of the collection is just the number
    *  followed by the thing, proper pluralized. The fact that it's
    *  grammatically still a plural form doesn't matter for the problem
    *  at hand. */
   public String singular() {
       StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
       sb.append(countOfThings + " ");
       if (countOfThings == 1)
       return sb.toString();
   /** get plural. For collections, the plural is just "times " followed
    *  by the singular. That is 3 collections of 4 bottles each give 3
    *  times 4 bottles.
    *  This has to be implemented, even if it isn't used,
    *  because the it is specified by the interface, and this
    *  class is not abstract. */
   public String plural() {
       return "times " + singular();
   /** tell if there are still things to take away. There are things to
    *  take away if there are more than 0 things. */
   public boolean thereIsSomeLeft() {
       return countOfThings > 0;
   /** this takes one thing away from the collection. Taking a thing
    *  away from an empty collection is undefined behaviour (i.e. not
    *  explicitly checked). */
   public void takeOneAway() {



* The beer *

class Beer implements Thing {

   public String singular() { return "beer"; }
   public String plural() { return "beers"; }



* The bottle *

class Bottle implements Thing {

   public String singular() { return "bottle"; }
   public String plural() { return "bottles"; }



* The wall *

class Wall implements Thing {

   public String singular() { return "wall"; }
   public String plural() { return "walls"; }


/** this is the class for the song. */ public class Song {

   private final Thing beverage = new Beer();
   private final Thing drinkSource = new Bottle();
   private final Thing bottleOfBeer =
       new Container("%self% of %contained%", drinkSource, beverage);
   private final EqualCollection collectionOfBottles;
   private final Thing bottleStorage = new Wall();
   private final Thing wallOfBottles;
   public Song(int bottleCount) {
       collectionOfBottles =
           new EqualCollection(bottleCount, bottleOfBeer);
       wallOfBottles =
           new Container("%contained% on the %self%", bottleStorage, collectionOfBottles);
   public void sing(java.io.PrintStream where) {
       while (collectionOfBottles.thereIsSomeLeft()) {
           where.println(wallOfBottles.singular() + ".");
           where.println(collectionOfBottles.singular() + ".");
           where.println("Take one down, pass it around.");
           where.println(wallOfBottles.singular() + ".");
   public static void main(String[] args) {
       Song song = new Song(100);

} </lang>